I'm Writing this for You

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Plot and Idea: Heartfelt

Genre: Teen Fiction


It's 2016, and Malik McKnight has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Realizing that he has a short time left to live, he decides to write a story for his three-year-old daughter. This story chronicles his journey through adolescence, and his journey to becoming a writer.

The story takes place in Malik's sophomore year of high school, as he moves from Toronto to Boston due to his mother moving in with her new boyfriend, Robert Giordano. Initially faced with sadness, Malik quickly adjusts to his new environment with the help of his stepsister, Rachel Giordano, and his new friends. Ultimately, it is here that he discovers his true passion for writing.

My Review:

Alright, so to begin with, I think the cover suits this type of book. The paragraphing seems to be perfectly fine and the capitalization is great. Your sentence structure seems to be alright as well, and your spacing is good and doesn't seem to vary. The development of your characters are very important throughout the story, though it feels a little slow, the characters still give off a sense of growth as the story continues.

Now you have good grammar and pace, but the tense you write with can sometimes be convincing, so just be wary of that. The dialogue is natural and doesn't feel forced, and your punctuation along with it seems good. The description is great, though at times I wish it wasn't so telling, (as in the character saying the exact characteristics when mentioning the character) but more using your descriptive language for us to picture it.

Rating: 9.8

Overall: Not a book I personally would read, but definitely something I would recommend to others.

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