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Plot & Idea: Different

Genre: Teen Fiction

Summary: I mentally slap myself and narrow my eyes at him.

"Thank you so much for moving slower than a dead grandma," I say, deadpanned.I don't wait for his rebuttal because I've already pushed past him, heading towards my next class, wanting to put my head down for a while.

"Any time, sweetheart," he yells to my back.

Ugh.Idiots like him are the reason why headaches turn into migraines.


Allison Wells, a senior in high school, takes care of her little siblings, Jude and Ari...while hiding in an underground storm shelter. Having run away from abuse and tired from living on the streets, Allison is trying her best to get their lives back on track. She's the only one who cares about her small family, and the only one that Jude and Ari have. While playing keep away from prying social workers and a particular boy who's keen on getting to know her more, Allison has to decide what's more important. Trying to keep her family from breaking apart again, or Ari and Jude's safety and happiness.

My Review: I suggest that you edit the cover a bit. The story is well written and I wouldn't want it be overlooked simply because of the cover. I like how I am able to feel the emotion in your main character, your description is good as well from what I have read. Your spacing and paragraphing is great and you don't have noticeable grammar errors. Your punctuation is great and the flow of your story is pretty good.

The tense is spot on and your character development is great. I like the attention you put in your writing; you aren't rushing and letting the readers get a feel for your story. Overall the first few chapters I read were great and I would recommend this to others, just work on the cover.

Rating:  10

Overall: This a wonderful book

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