An overhead engine purred as it travelled above the treetops and landed a few metres away.

"That's it!" Prompto ran towards the noise.

"What's what? Are you turning into Iggy all of a sudden?" Noct tilted his head and followed the boy.

Prompto pulled the leaves back to reveal a squad of Niflheim troops that had just landed. His plan was to control the to take out the demons as they had no brain and therefore couldn't be confused.

"Are you sure about this?" Noct looked in worry.

"Yeah... but stay close by incase I pass out." Prompto's eyes widened.

"I'll be right here." Noct nervously watched.

Prompto outstretched his arm and closed his eyes. He called upon the leading bot and it obeyed, following the trail that led to Prompto. The other MT's followed the leader which saved Prompto some energy as he didn't need to control them to. Prompto told it to take out the demons, in which it obeyed and the two watched in excitement as most of the clever demons got killed easily as their magic tricks didn't work on tin heads. Despite this, some of the other MT's grew suspicious as they noticed Cor, Iggy and Gladio's presence. Noct ran forward, leaving Prompto in the bushes to protect them and pull them back into safety. Noct managed to lead the three very confused and stumbling into the forest as they came to their senses.

"My head is spinning!" Gladio shook his head like a dog.

"Where on Earth are we?" Iggy looked around, dizzy.

"They were pretty strong..." Cor rubbed his forehead.

Twigs and branched snapped behind them as the bots not under Prompto's control came closer to their location.

"Prompto! I left him over there!" Noct remembered that he was only supposed to leave his side for a short moment.

The MT's stopped Noct from running, they seemed stronger and wielded much more powerful weapons than they used to. Cor noticed the black and purple wisps escaping their armour.

"Noct! Step back now!" Cor worried.

"These guys aren't hard to take down!" Noct was ready to attack.

"No! Ardyn has done something to them... made them stronger!" Cor watched and inspected the stronger bots closely.

"They are...corrupted?" Iggy looked at them in surprise.

"Now what?" Noct continued to walk backwards with the rest of the group as they backed away from the Niflheim squadron closing in on them.

Prompto was crawling on the floor to reach the others. The corrupted leader meant it was harder for Prompto to control them... it took a worse toll on his body. His nose was pouring blood fast, but he had no choice and to try and control the whole group of 4 of them in order to save his friends. He reached out and screamed in pain as it felt like his skull was caving in. Noct heard these screams and desperately tried to run and help, but Gladio held him back as he would've been killed.

"Let me go!" Noct shoved Gladio.

"No! You'll be killed! Prompto's helping us!"

"But he's going to get himself killed doing so!"

"He's getting stronger, Noct. We should let him try.. it's all we've got." Cor didn't like the sound of Prompto in agony either, but they had no choice.

Noct tried to run forward but was confronted by the MT's. He slowly crept backwards and joined the rest of the group who kept walking backwards until they reached the edge of the forest. Their backs were parallel to a death drop off of a cliff side. They couldn't do anything in their power. Prompto screamed once more and Noct struggled to hold himself back. The corrupted Bots closed In and raised their weapons.

Worthless// A Final Fantasy XV Prompto StoryWhere stories live. Discover now