The Drummer's Sister: Chapter XV

Começar do início

The show went on perfectly as usual. Only this time, the lads weren't wearing their usual get ups. They traded outfits. Dorks. Although, I must say Hazza looked fucking sexy in Zayn's varsity jacket. Throughout the show, I noticed Harry give me quick glances here and there. He'd wink at me and look directly at me when he sung, which of course made me blush. 

When the show finished I swiftly made my way to the dressing room off of the backstage area. My legs were moving as fast as they possibly could without me tripping and getting a face full of the floor.

As I approached the door labeled One Direction, I became hesitant. I know I had already seen the lads already but I couldn't help but still be incredibly nervous. "Boo!" I heard someone whisper in my ear. I jumped back in fright.

"What the hell Harry!" I yelped. He began laughing as he wrapped me in his arms and kissed my lips passionately.

"Just go in already babe, they won't even bite," Hazza teased as he kissed the top of my head. "Trust me, they missed you. Not as much as I did of course though," he said cheekily as his hands stroked my hips and the bare skin of my stomach. The touch of his hands on my naked mid drift felt amazing.

"I love you," I smiled, still being wrapped in Hazza's arms. 

"I love you more," he retorted. 

"Good one, baby," I teased as I snaked my hands to the back of his neck and kissed his neck and on his jawline. I brought my lips to his, letting his tongue explore the familiar territory of my mouth. Our kiss grew deeper as Hazza's hands squeezed tight to my arse. I could feel him growing in his trousers. "Someone's eager..." I joked as I continued kissing my boyfriend. Harry started rubbing his strong hands all over my lower body. 

"I told you I fucking missed you..." he mumbled through the kisses. Finally I just jumped up on him and wrapped my legs around his arse while I pressed my crotch into his. I wanted to feel his naked body pressed up against mine. I started putting my hands on the waistband of his trousers and under his shirt so I could feel him. He kissed my neck hungrily. I let out a hushed moan into his ear, so only he could hear. It seemed that just as I did, the door to the dressing room flung open revealing the one and only Josh Devine. 

"Already?! Damn, you two!" Josh hollered loud enough so pretty much everyone in the arena and the backstage area could hear. Talk about embarrassing. Why I missed my dork of a brother, I would never know. Harry put me down on the ground awkwardly and attempted to hide his hard on. I chuckled as I patted his arse real quick without Josh noticing. 

"Josh!" I chirped as I gave him a hug. "I missed you big brudderrr!!" He laughed as he kissed my head.

"Missed you too baby sisterrrr!" he replied. As he pulled me into another warm embrace. I looked to Hazza who still looked uncomfortable due to his growing member. I chuckled.

I whispered in Josh's ear, "Hazza's hard already..." I giggled as we simultaneously looked to Harry. He looked at us dumbfounded, before Josh and I burst out into synchronized laughter. Like brother, like sister, I guess.

We chuckled at our own stupid brother/sister humour with one another. "I really did miss you though Josh," I smiled sincerely at my older brother as he took an arm to my shoulder. Just as he did Louis's head appeared from inside the dressing room.

"What about us?!" Louis hollered. I missed hearing him yell all the time. I chuckled before following him back to the sofa and sitting atop his lap. I placed a sweet kiss on his cheek and gave him a big hug. 

"I missed you Boobear," I chuckled. He smiled back at me before gesturing me over to Niall who was leaning on the edge of the sofa.

I got up from Louis's lap and looked over to Niall who had his arms already open awaiting my embrace. "Nialler!" I yelped as I ran full speed into his arms. He chuckled as I wrapped my arms around his back.

"I missed my almost girlfriend!" he joked referring to the first time when we met. He told the lads we were dating. I punched his arm playfully as I pulled away. 

"I missed you more, I promise!" I retorted before hugging him once more.

"Ehhemm..." Liam cleared his throat as he came out of the loo nearby. I pulled away from Niall's embrace and went over to Liam. He was pointing to his cheek as if he was waiting for my kiss. I obliged of course. He pulled me into a tight hug before messing up my hair. 

"Cool Li..." I joked sarcastically.

"And what about me? Your best friend?!" Zayn hollered. 

"Zayn!!" I yelled as I jumped into a hug with him almost tackling him to the ground in the process. "I missed you babe," I said sincerely as I covered his cheeks in kisses. As we stood up from the floor, Paul showed up in the dressing room.

"So lads...? Do you like my present to you?" he asked sheepishly as he walked deeper into the room. The boys all looked to one another confusedly before they put the pieces of the puzzle together. I was their present. I smiled innocently while looking to all the lads. Paul still looked as if he was holding his breath.

"No shit, we do, Paul!!" Louis shouted as he enveloped Paul in an embrace. There was defintely a lot of hugging going on. Harry came over to me and placed his arm around my shoulder. He whispered in my ear. 

"Let's get outta here, eh?" he quizzed softly with a cheeky smirk. I kissed his lips as he took hold of my hand and began leading me out of the dressing room. "We're gonna head back to the hotel. We'll see you all tomorrow at the airport..." he said cheekily. I just blushed. All the boys... and probably Paul too, knew what were gonna do next. 


Still not done! haha but the next chapter will most likely be the last one. I know, it;s very emotional! Well for me at least :'( I absolutely and positively love each and everyone of you all who fans and votes and comments!! Thank you so much my loves! I appreciate it so much. Xx


The Drummer's SisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora