Chapter 33

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P.O.V. Mason

I give her a small kiss on her forehead, before bringing her to my car. I know I drank alcohol as well, but I made Tyler drink the most, so I didn't go over the limit, maybe a little bit, but I can handle it.

"I've liked you since before Disneyland too" I whisper as her eyes turn bright and a big smile spreads across her face


P.O.V. Mason

"How did she get so wasted?" Jayden raises his eyebrows confused

"We played beer pong with liquor" I scratch the back of my head awkwardly.

Alex is asleep right now. I had to carry her inside, because she fell asleep in the car. Now I have to deal with her protective brother and one of my best mates.

"You better treat her right. If you ever hurt her, I'll make sure to kill you myself, got it?"

What did I tell you? Protective indeed.

"Got it" I mumble

"I think you're a good guy and that you're good enough for her. You're one of my best mates, so I trust you with her. I know that you'll treat her right, but if I ever hear that you don't, I won't hesitate to hurt you"

Woah, since when do I have Jayden's approval?

A feeling of pride finds its way into my body and a smile appears on my face.

"I won't hurt her. Thanks bro" I give him half a bro-hug, seeing that Alex is still in my arms and after that I walk upstairs, feeling relieved


P.O.V. Alex

I wake up with a killer of a headache and try to remember what happened yesterday. I only remember losing with beer pong and having to drink those cups filled with liquor. Ooohhh. I'm hungover. Great, amazing, just awesome. Exactly what I wanted.

But it was totally worth it tho.

"Hey, you awake?"

Someone enters my room and turns the lights on. Stupid bastard.

"TURN IT OFF!" I scream, ducking under my pillow and covering my ears, which are now hurting from my own screaming

The lights dim again and the person gets closer to me.

"Sorry, I brought you two aspirins and a glass of water. Thought you might need it" I recognize Mason's voice and take the pillow off my head.

"Thank you. How bad was I last night?" I don't think I even want to know the answer

"You were cute" he smirks

"Oh god, what did I say or do?" I take the two pills, before looking at him, knowing that I did or said something stupid

"First of all, you thought flamingos were orange and that you were an orange smurf. Secondly, you walked to a random guy and thought he was a unicorn. When we got to my car you started talking about for how long you've liked me for, how hard it was to resist me and that you like when I kiss you in your neck" Mason says casually

Fudgers. I didn't. I knew I was going to do something stupid once I got drunk. Dang it, Alexia.

"I didn't" I groan embarrassed

"Apparently, you have liked me since before the trip to Disney" he smirks and raises his eyebrows

And at this kind of moments, I wish there would appear a big hole in the ground, where I could just sink in and never come back from.

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