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I was that girl that boys walked over to get to the prettier girls. I was titled as a 'whore' because I liked to flirt but it was just my personality. I turned to face John.

"Alley, two minutes." I smirked before I walked out of the Garrison. I turned around to see John smirked at Tommy before he followed after me.

John leaned against the wall and I pressed my body on his. I looked into his blue eyes and breathed heavily. Our faces were inches apart and we were staring into each other's eyes.

"Does this dress make me look fat?" I asked him taking a step back. I could not kiss John, I would be lying to him and leading him on. It wasn't fair and I really did like John. 

"What?" John asked me obviously really confused. I sighed at him before I held onto one of his hands. I looked up into his blue eyes, not as blue as his brothers but blue enough to make you go weak at the knees. 

"Look John, I have to be honest with you. I was going to take you into this alley, we would have intercourse just so I could forget about Tommy." I explained to him honestly. John just smirked at me a little. "I did not want to hurt you because I like you, I like you a lot as a friend." I smiled up at him and he nodded his head.

"I like you as a friend too." John replied and I grinned up at him, I kissed him on the cheek. 

"Thank you." I smiled at him as I leaned on the opposite wall to join. We just looked at each other smiling, he understood me. 


"Give me a bottle of whiskey and three glasses please." Tommy ordered as he stood at the pub window, I stopped doing what I was doing and turned to face him. It was the next day and I hadn't spoken to him since I snapped at him about the races. 

"Scotch or Irish, Mr Shelby?" I asked him as I walked over to the whiskey cabinet. Emphasising on the 'Mr Shelby' it confused him. He wasn't looking at him, but lighting his cigarette. 

"Irish." Tommy answered and as I reached up to get it, Grace got it instead because she was taller. I sighed as I watched her go over Tommy and hand him the bottle.

"I've decided not to go. To the races." Grace stated and I looked at her shocked. I marched on over to them.

"Grace, it's the races. Go for me." I smiled at her but I was hissing at her the entire time. Tommy just laughed a little bit, probably at my desperateness. 

"Not unless you give me two pounds, ten shillings towards the dress." Grace challenged and I raised an eyebrow at her, she was expecting a lot of money. 

"I've already given you three." Tommy answered in this thick accent. I bit my lip as I heard his accent, it was perfect. 

"How much did you pay for the suit you'll be wearing?" I asked him in a challenging tone and Grace nodded her head. 

"Oh, I don't pay for suits. My suits are on the house or the house burns down." Tommy explained and I just sighed.

"How lovely." I muttered sarcastically as I walked away from them, I could still hear their conversation, however. I picked up the glasses and handed them over to Grace.

"So you want me to go looking like a flower girl?" Grace asked him as she handed him everything. 

 "What I want makes no difference. It's not me you're dressing up for." Tommy explained before he shut the window. Grace and I both watched the men walk into room where Tommy was sitting. They looked tall and scary. 

"You are so lucky getting to go to the horses, I used to love it." I sighed happily as I walked up to Grace. 

"Maybe you could come." Grace suggested and I just smiled at her.

Clara (Thomas Shelby Fan Fiction, Peaky Blinders)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu