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"This had better be good to interrupt my holiday." Polly stated as she walked into the betting room. We were all standing there waiting for Polly to come because Tommy had some news to talk about. He would not tell me, however, until everyone was there. 

"Where's the boy?" Tommy asked Polly as she walked into the room and stood in front of Tommy, a desk in the way of the pair of them. 

"In the back room. I only brought him because afterwards we're going to the museum." Polly answered and I thought it was great for her, doing all these things with Michael. 

"He wanted to come in and say hello but..." John began to say before Polly snapped at him angrily. 

"Shut up, John." Polly barked and John backed himself up against the wall. "There is nothing of interest to Michael in this room. Tommy, get on with it." Polly instructed and Tommy did just that. 

"Last night, one of our men had his throat cut in Winson Green. This morning, I had a telegram to say it was Sabini who ordered it. And it says here that Thomas Shelby's next. If our men think we can't look after them in prison, they'll not work for us. Sabini knows that." Tommy explained and I was so upset for his family. It was our fault we sent him there. "So we need to get the Green sorted out. Scudboat, you and one of the boys. Break a couple of windows and get yourselves arrested. I'll have our coppers get you into the Green and you can find the bastards who did it." Tommy continued and I thought that was a good idea. Nobody would touch them in Winson green, nobody with a brain anyways.  

"Instead of breaking a window, can we pinch a car?" Scudboat asked and I just looked at them grinning, completely intrigued as to why? 

"What?" I asked them confused, why would they want more time in jail?

"Everybody else is getting a bloody car. I'm still on a donkey." Scudboat joked and everyone burst out laughing. 

"All right, just get yourselves fucking arrested, it doesn't matter how. And before you all laugh, a boy is dead." Tommy explained and everyone stood quiet. "He was just a kid." Tommy added and I gulped scared. We never should have let him do that. "We'll start a fund for his family, Pol." Tommy stated and I would be angry if they did not do that. 

"Agreed." Polly stated as she nodded her head. "So is that it? Can I go now?" Polly asked them, she wanted to get back to Michael. 

"Well, as company treasurer, I need your permission to spend 1,000 guineas." Tommy stated and Polly stood still, frozen. That was a hell of a lot of money.

"On what?" Polly asked him confused as fuck. 

"On a horse." Tommy answered and he saw Polly's face.

"That's right." She scoffed and then she saw everyone was being serious.  "When was this decided?" Polly asked everyone with a raised eyebrow. 

"You've been busy with Michael." Tommy commented. Bad move. Polly did not like that comment, let me tell you. 

"Oh, my God. So, in the absence of common sense, you boys have had an idea." Polly snapped as she paced left and right. 

"Polly there's a thoroughbred quarter-Arab filly up for auction at the Doncaster Blood Stock."  Tommy replied. 

"What do we want with a 1,000-guinea horse?" Polly asked extremely confused. 

"When we make our move on Sabini's racing pitches, any men we get into the betting enclosure will be lifted by Sabini's police. A good racehorse is a passport to the owner's enclosure." Tommy explained. 

"We'll be in there with all the toffs. Coppers won't know where to look." Arthur explained and everyone knew I could fit in, they would get in and look respectable with me by their sides. 

Clara (Thomas Shelby Fan Fiction, Peaky Blinders)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ