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I was standing by the back door of the Garrison. Grace was passing my buckets of drinks to throw on the pavement. My dark hair was falling out and all over the place, my dress was covered in stains and I was sweating. However, Grace was beautiful and was radiating beautiful. It was just unfair.

I had actually taken off my shoes because they were just getting uncomfortable and I was okay with going barefoot. I kind of liked it.

"Last one." Grace smiled at me with her beautiful irish voice. I took the bucket from her and threw it on the ground. I looked up to see Tommy Shelby standing there with a beautiful white pristine horse. 

"I'm so sorry, Mr Shelby." I apologised as I didn't looked at him. "I'm Clara, by the way." I added lifting up my head to look into his gorgeous ocean blue eyes. It wasn't possible to not fall into his trance.

"I know who you are." Tommy stated as he looked at me. Grace was behind me keeping quiet. 

"What's his name?" I asked Tommy as I placed down the bucket. I began to stroke the horse gently, he seemed to like it. 

 "He doesn't have a name." Tommy answered and I just looked into the poor horses eyes. 

"Poor boy deserves a name." I replied and Tommy looked frustrated and fed up. 

"You have something to say to me?" Tommy asked and I looked at him confused. He noticed that I had bare feet that were covered in mud. Then the beautiful Grace walled out.

"The other night you came into the pub and I was singing. You said singing wasn't allowed." Grace explained and I just stood away from the horse. I felt quite awkward standing there but I couldn't leave. "I'd like there to be one night a week when there's singing. I think it would be good for everyone Saturday nights." Grace suggested and I jumped in.

"Harry was too afraid to ask you, so..." I started to say but Tommy interrupted.

"But you're not." Tommy stated and Grace shook her head.

"I am." She added and I could see Tommy twitching into a smile, but then going back to his usual frown quicker. "But I love to sing." Grace added. 

"You sound like one of those rich girls who comes over from Dublin for the races." Tommy stated and he was wrong. "Do you like horses?" Tommy asked his eye gaze on Grace and not me. "How do you fancy earning some extra money?" Tommy asked her.

 "Doing what?" I asked moving my hair out of my face. 

"Dig out a nice dress. I want to take you to the races." Tommy smirked before he walked off. Grace turned to me happily before she walked in. I looked down at myself annoyed. I wasn't anything compared to her, she had Tommy and I wanted him.


"We're closed, Mr Shelby." I stated as I opened up the door to the Garrison. Tommy was standing there as Grace was in the back I knew this was our chance to talk.

"Just get me a drink." Tommy ordered as he walked past me. I nodded my head as I closed the door and got him a bottle from the counter. 

"Should I leave you alone?" I asked him, I didn't know how much glasses to get.

"I came here for company." Tommy answered and I smiled to myself as I picked up two glasses. "Where's Harry?" Tommy asked as I sat down opposite him.

"He took the night off." I answered as I poured as both a drink. "He went to the pictures. Lucky bugger I say. I love the pictures, living the movie life. The romance, the stories, the comedy. I have loved it ever since I was young and we used to go to the play." I explained and I couldn't tell if Tommy cared or not.  "How's your beautiful horse?" I asked him changing the conversation.

Clara (Thomas Shelby Fan Fiction, Peaky Blinders)Where stories live. Discover now