:A Proscriptive Relationship: 30

Start from the beginning

I groaned again. But there was something else that kept me from really accepting my feelings, something I didn't want to admit to myself.

I didn't know anything about Mr. Heywood.

What I liked was his looks, his actions, and personality. But I didn't know a single thing about his past, besides that he was a gang leader, and he did something that now has the gang wanting him dead. And I didn't know what that was.

What if it was something really bad? Would that change my views of Mr. Heywood?

I rubbed my forehead, trying to clear my thoughts. For now, I couldn't let Mr. Heywood know of my feelings. I didn't want him to think they weren't real. That I was just like all the other girls at school. For now, I'd deal with my unrequited love, even if it hurt. I could deal with it.

My phone suddenly went off and I jumped, my heart rate spiking. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. The caller I.D showed Lance. I flipped open my phone and put it to my ear.


"Holly! How's the beach?"


"You sound excited," he commented with a chuckle.

I laughed. "Don't I? I thought you were working."

"I am," Lance responded. "I'm on break."

"Oh. How late do you have to work till?"


"Fun," I responded, playing in the sand with my feet again.

"Is Heywood there?"


"That's why you sound so depressed."

I opened my mouth in shock, narrowing my eyes. "I'm not depressed! You're just like Casey!"

"Hey, I'm just stating the truth," Lance defended, amusement in his voice. "Admit it."

"Have a good shift, Lance!"


I snapped my phone shut in a huff, blushing furiously. I wasn't depressed! I was just...

I looked around me to see I was the only one sitting on the bench, dressed fully. Everyone one else was running around the beach playing Frisbee, or volleyball, or they were playing in the water.

I scowled.

I wasn't depressed.

Kicking up sand, I stood up, marching towards the changing area with my bag. I didn't need Mr. Heywood to have fun.

Casey mock wolf-whistled at me when I came back to the beach after changing into my swimsuit. I blushed, glaring at her.

"Nice legs, daisy dukes, make's a man go," she paused to wolf-whistle again. "The bikini top is a nice addition."

"I hate them though," I muttered, crossing my arms in front of my chest subconsciously.

I glanced at my blue and white bikini top. It was tied by strings, which I thought was a bad idea. There were some real idiots in my grade, and I didn't really want to take the chance of having one of them untie my top.

"If you don't like bikinis, then why are you wearing them?"

I gave her a sour look. "My mom replaced all my swim suits with bikinis. She took my board shorts too, and there's no way I'm walking the beach in just a bikini."

"Flaunt what you got, Holly," she told me, rolling her eyes.

I stuck my tongue out at her childishly. "Sorry, I like having some modesty."

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