{Vaati X Reader} Part 1: Stormy Accident In School

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Your pov

You where in school, writing notes in the books. It was a boring lesson as always. Nothing could be more boring then...
I tilled my head like the others and we all looked confused. Your math teacher looked confused around. "Guess it nothing, let's con..."
It got darker outside, and then we saw, how a dark purple liquid dripped down, making...
A wall?
The school building soon was surrounded by the purple wall, letting nothing escape. Everyone started to curse and talked, everyone was in Panik. You of course too. You never saw something like that before.
What is going on?
The math teacher walked to the door and said "everyone will stay inside! Nobody will leave the room!". He pushed down the door handle, but then froze as the door wouldn't open. He cursed and tried to open them with the keys, but it didn't work. Everyone started to scream, accept you and your best friend (bf/n). "What is this?" you asked but then you was cut off by a scream outside the door. Everyone went silent. You heard somebody talking, like giving commands, a few grunts and screaming girls and cursing boys. It took a while but then the door crashed open, and then...
Shadow Link appeared?!
You gasped as you saw the purple haired boy, behind him, a group of moblins. "You know what to do!" he commanded. The moblins got in, everyone screaming, as the moblins took every girl in the class, leaving the boys alone. "What are you doing!?!?" the teacher yelled at Shadow. He turned around and sighed. "another adult? You are annoying" he stretched out his hand and the teacher flew towards the wall, falling unconscious. At that moment, a moblin came towards you, reaching for your arm. "No!" you yelled at him, dugging away, and ran towards the exit, "(bf/n)! Come on!". A plan popped up in your head:
1. Escape
2. Get help
3. Try not to get cought by Shadow Link
Well, the plan shucked, becouse 3 failed. He grabbed you by the wrist pulling you back. "and where do you think you are going?"
You let go of a squeak and he grinned at you. You tried to break free of his hand, but he didn't let go. He grapped your other hand and he looked strait into your eyes. His peacefully light blue eyes where dark red." Behave right now or... "his eyes turned blue again as he was looking at you, but he wasn't looking into your eyes... Where was he looking at?. He smirked and pushed you towards a moblin, who chaught you." Let's go! " Shadow link yelled and the moblins followed, everyone with a girl.

All the girls where in the biggest room of the school. The moblins dumped you right there and the other girls screamed, cried or fainted! (bf/n) was nowhere to be seen, you lost track of her, and now you where surrounded by girls, you didn't knew. There was a
Tribune where the director always talked at the beginning and the end of the school year. You looked at the Tribune and your eyes where starring at a purple colored clothes man. His dark purple long hat with a big red ruby in it, his red shorts, dark purple cape, his ruby like eyes and the lavander long colored hair.
The Wind sorcerer Vaati
Why is he here? What does he want?
Vaati looked at the croud. Shadow link appeared next to him and said something, you couldn't understand. Vaati responded. Shadow looked around until your eyes met. He turned to his master and said something again and pointed at you. Vaati's ruby like eyes where staring direct into yours. It gave you chills, but you couldn't stop looking into his eyes. He looked in your eyes for a time and then brooke the contact. Older girls pushed you away, and the others around. "(y/n)!" you bumped into your best friend. "Damm it! What is going on?" she whispered. "Vaati!Vaati is here! No cosplay, no joke, for real!". "NO WAY!" she yelled, and you covered her mouth. "Be quiet! You can tell anyone if you want, but..." you stopped, becouse it was quiet. Everyone was looking at the both of you. Girls where going apart, making a way towards the both of you, and Vaati, Shadow Link behind, where walking towards the both of you, until they both where standing in front of you. (bf/n) was shaking and clinched your arm so strong, it started to hurt. "Well, want to say something little one?" Vaati asked.
Goddammit, his voice sounds so charming... Wait, what am I thinking?
Vaati stretched out his arm and started to reach his arm towards your friend. Her eyes went bigger when Vaati came closer. But then without thinking, you slapped Vaati's hand away. You stood between him and your friend and hissed "Leave her alone!" but then your realised what you did. You slapped the windmage, and now you are his bait. Shadow Link wanted to grab his sword, but Vaati raised his hand and stopped him. "A little Rebell". You gulped but then he suddenly took your right arm, and put his other hand on your cheek. "I would like to have a word with you" you blinked and then you noticed that you where in a other place. The infirmary. Vaati let go of you and went to the Dokuments. A windbust came and then papers flew around Vaati and Vaati took one, read it, let go of it and took a other one. He didn't gave you any attention. You slowly tip toed towards the open door, but when you reached for it, the door closed and locked itself, you tried to open it, but then a black glowing string wrapped around you and you where dragged back towards the bed. "Just becouse I don't see you, it doesn't mean I can hear you" Vaati said I a calm voice and read farther. "OK, OK! Am really sorry for slapping you, so what do you want from me?". Vaati didn't respond and read farther. What a jerk! You where so bored! You looked at the clock and it was 11 o'clock, but at one point the papers fell to the ground and Vaati held one dokument in his hands. "sooo, your name is (y/n) (l/n)? A beautiful name". He turned towards you and placed hand on your cheek again. "You know, my little minion said to me that you know something about us". "And what  does you make you think about that?". His other hand reached towards your ears and took your earring... Which was the symbol of the triforce! Shit, why haven't i realized that earlier?!? Vaati grinned at you and then said "you would be perfect". "perfect for what?" you asked but then he pressed his lips against yours.

I once had a funny idea. It was the scene where Vaati was picking a girl. You where standing in a row, your best friend next to you. Vaati just scanned her, when she asked "Uhm, what are you going to do to us?". Vaati responded and said "If I am going to tell you, you will scream and shout". And then you would pop out like and say "And let it all out". Like the song? 'I wanna scream, and shout, and let it all out' that should have been funny, maybe a part two? For the ones who want one?

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