A Visit To The Doctor's

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~About Two Months Later~

I woke up to Hoseok holding me tightly. I smiled, about to go back to bed. My head hit the pillow and I immediately started to feel nauseous. I squirmed out of Hoseok’s arms. I ran to the bathroom, throwing up all of the food in my system.
Hoseok came running in and knelt beside me. He gently brushed my hair out of my face, then pulled me into his embrace.
“You okay, baby?”
“I'm fine, Hobi. Go back to bed.”
“I'm not gonna leave you.” I sighed, feeling quite relieved with his choice to stay with me.
“You're the best. I don't know why I got sick though. I was perfectly fine yesterday.” Hoseok ran his fingers through my hair.
“Maybe it was what you ate last night?”
“But I've never gotten sick like that before?”
“If it continues I'll take you to the doctor’s.” I nodded, curling up against his chest. My eyes started to feel heavy as I drifted back off to sleep.

“Yoongi, you’ve been throwing up for days. Please let me take you to the hospital.” Hoseok brought me to his chest, laying his head on mine.
“Okay.” I whispered, unsure if I really wanted to go or not.
“I’ll carry you, come on baby.” Hoseok gently picked me up, cradling my worn out body.
We reached the hospital and Hoseok went to the receptionist, checking me in for urgent care. A few minutes later, a man, shorter than Hoseok, with styled blonde hair walked over to us with a clipboard.
“Hello, I’m Dr. Wang, I’ll be helping you today. Let’s go back and get your height and weight, shall we?” The man gestured for us to follow and Hoseok stood up, offering me a hand. I took it, following Hoseok and the doctor back into the vitals room.
Once we finished, he lead us into an examination room.
“Sorry that I had to do everything there, most of our nurses are currently out helping with new mates and their pregnancies.” Dr. Wang apologized.
“No problem.” I smiled at him.
“Now Yoongi, what seems to be the problem? Why are we seeing you today?”
“Well, um. I've been super nauseous, and my stomach has been killing me. And I feel like I'm getting fat.” I trailed off. Hoseok wrapped an arm around me.
“Well, I will tell you that you aren't fat, Yoongi.” The doctor laughed.
“You're underweight. And do you think that you might be pregnant?” My eyes widened.
“Your symptoms show, and you sound exactly like how my mate did when he got pregnant with our pups.” Hoseok had the dorkiest smile on his face.
“Speaking of, how is Mark doing, Jackson? Haven't seen you two since my dad had you over last.” Hoseok asked, trying to ease the massive smile on his face.
“He’s doing great, thanks. Now Yoongi, I'm going to order an ultrasound, so I'm going to have water brought to you, and I'd like you to drink it all before we bring you back. It should take about an hour to set up. I'll be back."
Jackson came in a few minutes later with two liters of water and a hospital gown.
“Alright, drink this. This quicker you get it down, the quicker we’ll be able to get you back. Hoseok, make sure he drinks it, and if you need anything, press that red button on the side of the bed.” Hoseok nodded and Jackson walked out of the room, quietly shutting the door behind him.
Hoseok handed me the water and held it up to my mouth. I slowly started to drink the water, making a disgusted face.
“Not good?”
“Not really.”
“Its water?”
“It's gross water.” Hoseok chuckled and sat down next to me on the hospital bed. He wrapped an arm around me, pulling my body against his own. I sighed, trying to continue drinking the water as quick as I could so we could see the results.
I finally finished the first liter and Hoseok took the container away, then helped me up off the bed.
“Let's get you changed into your gown. Arms up.” I giggled, lifting my arms so that Hobi could take off my shirt. He put the gown on me and walked around the bed to tie it in the back. He came back and unbuttoned my pants pulling them off.
“Now we have one more and I'll go find Jackson.”
“We?” I scoffed. Hoseok laughed.
“Well you're doing the work. I'm just supporting.” Laughing, I shook my head at my mate and continued to drink my water.
“Yay!” Hoseok cheered after I finished the rest of the nasty water. He kissed my forehead then pulled me into a quick hug before hopping to the door to go find the doctor.
Hoseok came back a minute later with Jackson trailing behind.
“Finished the water, Yoongi?” I nodded.
“Well, before Hoseok has a heart attack, let's get you back to ultrasound. Follow me.” Hoseok offered me a hand, helping me up.
“I'm so excited, Yoon!” Hoseok was beaming.
“As am I.” Hoseok wrapped his arm around me, resting his hand on my stomach.
“Just think! Our pups might be right here!” I placed my hand over Hoseok's.
“I hope so, Seokie.”

“Alright Yoongi, come on in.” Jackson took his roomkey out and opened a door labeled ‘Ultrasound.’ The room was dark with a small lamp on the side of the room. Relaxing lights were reflecting on the ceiling.
“Please lay here, Yoongi.” Jackson gestured towards the bed. Hoseok led me to the bed and let me lay down. He pulled up a chair and sat next to me, holding my hand.
“Can you lift up the gown for me?” I did as told and Jackson pulled the sheet over me so only my stomach was showing.
“Okay,” he said, picking up the transducer, “this many be a bit cold and sticky, but we'll clean it up afterwards. You ready, Yoongi?” I felt Hoseok squeeze my hand and I nodded.
Jackson pressed the device onto my stomach, applying slight pressure before taking the photos.
It went on for about half an hour and I had to pee, badly.
Jackson sat down the device and smiled at us.
“Well, congratulations Hoseok,” Jackson started, “Yoongi is in fact pregnant.” I instantly started crying.
“Oh my gosh! Yoongi!” Hoseok screamed and leaned down to hug me. He kissed all over my face, making sure to kiss every one of my tears that fell. I wrapped my arms around him tightly before we pulled away. I saw tears in Hoseok's eyes. I gently wiped his tears and smiled up at him.
“Thank you so much Jackson!” Hoseok hugged my doctor.
“No problem, pup. Would you like to see your baby?” I nodded quickly, not even looking at Hobi for his input. Hoseok sat next to me and intertwined our fingers.
Jackson put the transducer back on my belly and moved it, letting us see our pup.
“They're beautiful.” I gasped, covering my mouth. I felt the tears coming again.
“Just like you, baby.” I leaned into Hoseok as we watched our baby on the screen.
“See that? That's their breathing.” Jackson whispered making Hoseok hold me tighter. I knew he was trying to stay strong, but he's too emotional. He's perfect.

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