The Golden Omega

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By the time Yoongi reached the pack leader's massive cabin, his legs were burning and he couldn't breath. His heavy breathing mixed with crying caused him to wheeze. He struggled to take a deep breath. Yoongi sat down on the stairs in front of the large house and pulled his knees to his chest, trying to control his cries. He started rocking himself back and forth in a calming manner until he heard the click of a lock. He jumped up almost stumbling, seeing Seokjin, the pack's golden omega.
"Are you okay little one?" Seokjin asked in a sweet voice. Yoongi couldn't find it in himself to use his voice and just nodded quickly. Seokjin shook his head, giving Yoongi a sad smile. He slowly reached out and wiped Yoongi's stray tears away, then pulled him into a hug.
"What's wrong, sweetie? What happened?" Seokjin's sweet voice sang again. Yoongi started crying again and Seokjin brought him to sit with him on the stairs. Seokjin wrapped an arm around Yoongi and used his other hand to run his fingers through Yoongi's hair in a calming manner.
Once Yoongi had stopped crying, Seokjin got in front of him, giving him a soft smile.
"Now, what happened?"
"T-thank you." Yoongi stuttered, putting his head down.
"Awe you're welcome. Now why are you here? Are you okay?" Yoongi shook his head and Seokjin pulled him into another hug.
"Can you tell me what happened?"
"I-I don't want to-to waste y-your time, Seokjin." Seokjin let out a small laugh.
"Its okay, honey. I have time. My boys and annoying husband are still out hunting. We have time. And please call me Jin." Yoongi smiled softly.
"I-um, I ran away after yelling at my-my mom. F-for months she's been bringing different alphas to me, trying to get me courted before m-mating season." Jin nodded, an understanding look on his face.
"It's just that, I want to wait for the right one. I don't like all of these alphas who only want to use me. I want a mate who will take care of me, and love me." Yoongi quickly wiped his eyes before anymore tears threatened to spill.
"Oh honey, it'll be okay. Listen, my parents were the same way. I mean look at how handsome I am, every alpha was throwing themselves at me," Jin started, making me laugh. "I tried not to worry about my parents, but it was hard. Female omegas don't understand how hard it is being a male omega. We want our true mates, and no one else. It's hard trusting another alpha, unless they're your mate. We can joke with them, only if we feel like they aren't going to hurt us. Our mates are much different than any other alpha. They're already part of us." Yoongi smiled, thinking about how easily he opened up to Hoseok last night.
"Thanks Jin." Yoongi whispered, smiling a gummy smile.
"You're welcome. Anything you need, I'm here, Yoongi. Now, so you don't have to go home, would you like to join me and my family for breakfast?"
"Really?" Yoongi asked, trying to keep his cool.
"Of course. Then later, I'll walk you home and say that you spent the day with me, or even better I'll have Namjoon and Hoseok take you." Jin laughed, which made me end up joining in.
"Jin, how did you meet Alpha Namjoon?" Jin giggled, a blush spreading across his face.
"Well, when I was about 18,"
"18? You didn't get mated until you were 18?"
"Well, Namjoon is two years younger than me." Yoongi let out a small, 'oh," embarrassed for interrupting.
"Well, I was walking through the woods, looking for a good place to read and Namjoon was out on alpha duties collecting wood and stuff. He looked so good, still does, without a shirt, well I watched for awhile before I continued walking, and let's just say that Namjoon is very, very clumsy. So he threw a piece of wood onto the pile and ended up hitting me. I made a loud noise, and fell. He noticed and ran over to me. He helped me up and kept apologizing. Then he went to see if I had any scratches and moved my hair out of my eyes and just stared." Jin started blushing harder.
"He ended up calling me beautiful, and offering to walk me back to our territory. Then every day he'd meet me and take to this beautiful field. Yoongi dear, mating is so magical. Finding your mate is magical. I hope you experience it soon." Jin pulled me into a hug.
"So do-" Yoongi was cut off by the sounds of yelling and laughing. He looked up to see Namjoon running being followed by Hoseok, Jungkook, and Phil. Namjoon made it to Jin first and wrapped his arms around his waist, pressing his lips softly to Jin's.

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