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Such a wonderful and desirable word. Scientifically, it is the natural periodic suspension of consciousness during which the powers of the body are restored. My definition of it would be a drug that everyone cannot resist. It's the one time you can actually forget about some things for a while and just relax in dreamland.

Unfortunately for me, I didn't end up getting sleep after all. By the time Bailey and her mystery boyfriend, Dylan left, it was almost eight at night. Instead of mourning the loss of my sleep, I decided that a shower would be the best solution right now.

I like taking showers. It gives me space to ponder about deep things that would've never got me thinking about in the first place. For instance, my existence. How the galaxy came to exist and what was it like before that? I mean how did it all begin? Are the aliens that we watch in movies are actually like us, wondering if there is life beyond their universe? Just like because telescopes work using mirrors, we would never know if space vampires ever exist. Or the fact that maybe plants are actually farming us, giving us oxygen to breathe so we can die and turn into mulch for them.

Woah. I just mind-boggled myself.

I let the cool water run down my face and hair, figuratively washing away all my pain and sorrow. I stood there under the shower head for a few minutes acting as if I was breaking up in the rain. The music playing from my iPod in the background was in tune with my situation because Grenade by Bruno Mars is a really heartbreaking song and I was currently pouring my soul out to this beautiful masterpiece. 

Apart from the deep thoughts, shower time unleashes my inner rockstar although my singing would probably deafen those who are nearby. I am deeply sorry neighbours. But I could care less right now, the spotlight was on me! Well not exactly, but you get the drill.

As I return back to reality, my hands reached out for the soap dispenser placed on the shower caddy. One pump. Nothing. I pumped again, a little harder this time. Still nothing. I lifted the bottle and hat's when it hit me. 

I was out of soap.

The worst part was that I actually knew about it but my dumb self decided that, 'hey, we don't have soap? Why don't we just forget about it! Yeah, we're going to do exactly that!' My palm instinctively slapped my forehead just from the thought of how idiotic I am.

Wonderful, what am I going to do now? My mom is probably preparing dinner right now and she definitely will not come up just to pass me some soap. Dad will never come to my aid because he is lazy like that. Well, my brother might most likely be my last hope.  "Xander! Can you get me the new bottle of soap from the store downstairs? I'm out of soap!"

I hear a muffle of noises and then suddenly no response. This is terrible.  I waited for a few minutes and there was a no show. Well I guess I am left with no choice. I wrapped myself in a towel and peeked out of my room to check if the coast was clear. With nobody in sight, I make a mad dash into my parent's bathroom and nabbed the soap. The pink panther jingle was playing in my head and with the soap in my hands, I peeked outside of parent's bedroom once more. My head moves right, left and right again. "Ze area is secure", I tell myself. This time, I confidently strut like a supermodel towards my chambers. 

As I open the door to my room, I notice a figure sitting on my bed with their back facing me. This person was wearing a hoodie and was looking out my window. I didn't want to assume this person's gender right away because it is quite rude. Not only that, he or she was tapping their foot incessantly on the floor. I was surprised they didn't react to the door opening because the sound is definitely something you wouldn't miss. I shifted my gaze to said stranger's lap only to notice there were earphones plugged in to their phone. Oh, so stranger was listening to music.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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