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I watched him as he carefully took out a few things from his locker. He balanced some books on his forearm and a backpack hung over his left shoulder. There was a troubled expression underneath the poker face he held.

His eyebrows were knitted together closely with the skin on his forehead crinkling slightly, forming mild lines that made him look as if he was concentrating hard and using way too much effort just to get books from the locker.

"Need some help with that? Unless you choose to ignore me again, I'm off to class" I pipe in.

Tyler's head shot up and almost immediately a smile took over his face. "Hey. I was going to call you yesterday but-"

"Things came up, I know" I muttered, looking everywhere else but him. He was clearly avoiding me ever since he didn't show up in school and bailed on our movie night. It had been 3 days but it seemed like forever. The only way we talked was through his two word texts that barely explained anything.

I was not being clingy. I was not being needy. In all honesty, I was more annoyed than anything else.

I gave him his space, yes, but this was getting out of hand. He was being sneaky and I deserve the right to know what is going on with him. In that way maybe I can help him sort things out.

Tyler and I have known each other since we were toddlers and him being my neighbour was just an added bonus. We always tell each other everything and him walking pass me without any sort of acknowledgement was a literal punch in the stomach.

He exhaled deeply and shut his locker close. All the colour drained from his face. That was when I actually took a good look at him. Bags formed around his droopy eyes that were reddening a little at the rims. He had bed hair and his posture was by far the worst I've seen. I mean my posture was horrible because I slouch all the time and Mr. Athlete here would always force me to stand straighter.

All in all, he looks like a walking corpse.

The smile he had died down a little and his lips now formed a thin line. "I'm really sorry Reagan. I was just... caught up with some matters that I had to deal with", he took my hands and placed it in between his. I was about to bark at him again only to be cut short. "But everything is settled now. You don't have to worry about a thing squirt" he finished.

He was lying.

I just knew it. He was just giving out this weird vibe that wasn't his natural jolly type. I eyed him warily, looking for any facial gestures that might give away his little act here. He only grinned even more.

It hurt. Him trying to deceive me by lying straight to my face, really hurt.

Maybe leaving him to himself was the only choice I had. I sighed and nodded slowly before heading towards class. I never knew Tyler would be an expert at masking his feelings, especially to me.

Hurriedly, I made my way to class. I didn't want to lose focus and bother myself with what happened just now. People were slowly filling up the class and I managed to get a good spot in the third row.

As I was settling down, I noticed somebody walk into class. To my horror it was jerkface.

I had a bad start to my day and don't intend to make it any worse by having to talk to an annoying brood.

He immediately grinned and started walking towards me.

My eyes widened. Not here. Please, please not here. I immediately turn around to check if there were still vacant seats available. I really hope he directed that smile to somebody else.

Into The VoidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora