Chapter 81

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Aries POV:
"Where are we?" I hear Taurus ask.
"We are in the deep, undergrounds of Atlantis," Cepheus answers.
There is no light except the one that comes from our crystals. I look down only to see that my necklace has become one with my crystal. It sparkles against the darkness. The walls that surround us are made out of coral. I step closer to one of the walls to see exquisite colors of orange, red, and pink line the stone white walls. The floor beneath me is full of seashells. Colors of cream, pastel, and white add to the space's majestic quality. Atlantis must have been even more breathtaking and beautiful in its prime. We press on with Cepheus leading us in the front. He is very knowledgeable and extremely passionate about his city. As we walk, he tells us stories of Atlantis glory days, of times unlike the present.
"People were just and compassionate back then. That made Atlantis the righteous city that it was. I remember being a young boy all those years ago and seeing my mother rule Atlantis with a loving heart," Cepheus pauses before he continues with, "Then the darkness took over. It covered over the city. The crystal took my mother and used her to save the city."
    He stops walking, turns to Gemini and says, "She looked just like you, expect she had white hair."
    With that, a loud bang rings in my ears and a dark light blinds my eyes. When I am able to see again, I see Cepheus has transformed. His crystal is now clear but, slowly turning black. His hair has turned fully black and his eyes radiate with rage.
    "It took her! It took her away from Atlantis, from me. The city, instead of being saved, crumbled. And its all your fault!" Cepheus yells as he attacks Scorpio.
    "I wasn't even alive when your city fell!" Scorpio screams as he blocks one of Cepheus's punches.
Gemini POV
    Shouting. Everybody is shouting. I look at Cepheus and Scorpio as they brawl. Cepheus isn't himself anymore. Something happened. Something changed and it isn't just caused by his grief from the death of his mother. I see Leo Arête, and Aries trying to break up the fight but, the fail as Cepheus knocks both of them out cold. Next, Aquarius, Aphros, and Cancer try, only to be knocked out as well by Cepheus. Then Arête, Perseus, and Sagi try, but they end up knocked out too. I guess it's up to us girls now.
    "Pisces! Pisces! Where is your other crystal?" I scream to Pisces.
    "I'm wearing it!" She yells back.
    "We need to trade out his crystal!" I scream back at her. She throws me the crystal as she yells, "I'll distract them. You change the crystal."
    The bad thing is that I don't catch the crystal. But, it falls to Virgo, who throws it to Cap, before she punches Cepheus in the face. He head-butts her and she crumbles to the ground. Cap throws it to Asterope, who throws it to Calypso. Together they try to aid Scorpio but, they both end up like the rest of my friends. Calypso attempts to swap the crystals but, fails as Cepheus throws her against one of the walls. With a loud crash, the crystal goes flying to Taurus. She passes it to Libra. She passes it to me as she tries to aid Pisces in distracting Cepheus. He knocks both of them out cold. Scorpio screams in anger as he runs, head first, towards Cepheus. He tackles Cepheus and they both fall to floor. As they brawl, I take off Cepheus's crystal. Immediately, he turns to me. He pulls me to the floor. The crystal goes flying. But, Scorpio catches it and successfully ties the crystal around his neck. Cepheus stops. His hair turn white once again. And his eyes release their rage.
    "No. No. No! It happened again!" Cepheus shouts as he looks around. He continues with, "I turned into him again. I lost control again."
    "Wait, you lost control again?" I question.
    "I'm so sorry. Ever since the darkness covered the city, I have been trying to round it up and conceal it away from Atlantis. I have captured all of it in that crystal," He points to his old crystal. "But, the darkness has overwhelmed me. Here: let me heal your friends."
    A pale blue light surrounds my friends as Cepheus chants. My friends awake.
    "What happened?" Aries asks.
    "It's all my fault. I thought I was strong enough to hold in the darkness," Cepheus answers.
    "This crystal needs to be destroyed," Scorpio states as he holds up the blacken crystal.
    "Oh, I know where to destroy it," Pisces states. She pulls out her red book.
    "How did you bring that?" Aphros questions.
    "That isn't important. But, if you must know: this backpack appeared with all of the five books. It appeared in my hands when our necklaces transformed," Pisces answers.
    "Sagi, did you read anything about the Hyacinthus in the book on Atlantis?" Pisces asks.
    "I did. But, it felt like there was a page missing because the book just stopped talking about it," Sagi responds.
    "All I found was this map," Pisces pulls out a map, "And that it holds the power to destroy a crystal at a price."
    "Yes! But, my book didn't mention what the price would be," Sagi states.
    "Neither did mine. Let's just hope it's not something drastic. From the looks of it, we are actually on the right track to get to the Hyacinthus," Pisces states as she takes the lead.
    With that, the rest of us follow her. Finally understanding what the book meant when it said that Cepheus needed to be saved.

    Hello! I apologize for the late update but, I am on summer break now! Yay! Therefore, updates will go back to between once a week and every two weeks. Thank you all so much for -89k- views and -3k- stars! I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter. As always, new chapter soon. Bye!

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