Chapter 48

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Scorpio POV: A Labyrinth, Are We Minotaurs or Something? 
As I see Pisces finally come out of her nightmare, I first notice her beautiful smile as she runs to me and wraps her slender arms around my neck while kissing my lips. When the embrace ends, I see Aqua look at us with jealous eyes. I soon realize it's morning by a small window at the back of the room. Thanks be to Orion that it's Saturday. By a unanimous vote, all the Zodiacs agree to go back to the girls' dorm and examine the pages before we all pass out on our bed from being to tried.
         When we reach the girls' dorm, we spread all of our pages out and carefully read through them. We suddenly notice that Pisces's, Leo's, Cap's, and Gemini's are blank except for one word on each page that forms a
             Library F 137  Franklin
         The rest of us stare at them. Who else could have gotten the pages? Where are they?What exactly happened that cause them to not be there? These questions and more fill my head as I finally hear Pisces peep out," Well, who wants to go book hunting?"
Pisces POV
         As I see many of the other Zodiacs agree, we run to the library. In library we immediately run to the Fictional section and search for Franklin. Sadly, we don't find it. Because of this, many of the signs are frustrated by the dead end.
As we start to leave, the librarian pulls me close and whispers," So your looking for book F 137 Franklin."
" Yes," I reply,"Can you please help us find it?"
" No."
" Why not? We really need it."
" No because I promised to only help the 12 Zodiacs."
" We are the Zodiacs," Scorpio says while lifting his sleeve of his right arm and shows his mark. She immediately changes her mind and leads us to where we first looked. As she pulls a book, the shelf moves out, making a long hallway appear. She says," If you truly are the Zodiacs, the book will be at the end of the hallway. But, heed this warning: Whoever enters must pay a price to receive what they want. They will be tempted with what they want most, and have to pass obstacle after obstacle." She then shoves us all inside and slams the book shelf close. So that we are basically trapped.
Aqua POV
          As the librarian traps us, I see everyone look at Pisces, Leo, Cap, and Gemini. Aries filled with anger says," Are you kidding me? Ugh another trap, another painful experience and for what some stupid pieces of paper. Ugh!"
         I turn to Pisces who has surprisingly kept her composer. She replies," Aries, I know it's a lot to ask but, we have to this together, all of us. We need each other. I need you. You are important and without you we could never get by."
           With her encouraging words, he takes a deep breath and calms down while he starts to walk down the hallway to everyone's surprise. Because of the shock no one moves until Aries says," Come on guys let's go."
              We all snap out of the trance and immediately follow him until we reach a small door with these words written on it:
                  Mythological Monsters
             As Aries opens the door, the floor below us disappears and we fall into the huge maze that's has appeared. We are separated as I hear multiple yells of others names, including mine.
           As I become separated from my friends, I hear Sag's voice say," Cap you alright? I'll find you."
        " No it's to risky. We all have to meet in the middle of the maze. Come on guys we can do this," says Leo as he interrupts the conversation.
          Sag replies," See ya there, sweetheart."
          " Okay," I say with confidence as I start to navigate through all of the twist of this maze. I'm going to find him.
Cancer POV
          As I hear Leo say that we need to get to the middle, I start to run through the maze until I bump heads with Aqua which causes both of us to land on the ground. I can't believe it's him. It's so good to see another Zodiac. He instantly says," Sorry, Cancer. Hey, bro it's good to see ya. So where are you coming from?"
         " Umm, just that way, I guess," I shyly reply.
          " Do you want to come with me? I mean two heads are better than one, right, so we might get out faster," he says with confidence as I nod my head. As we get up, we immediately resume out journey and navigate the maze but, we soon see...
Sagittarius POV
          As I walk along the long hallways of this maze, I see a flash of golden hair. It must be Cap. I, without even thinking, run after her until I see her figure stop and lean up against the wall.  I lean right in front of her, which startles her. She looks at me with gratefulness as I plant a small kiss on her cheek. She says," Hey, it's nice to see you. But, we need to go. We need to get to the middle. I've already heard a few shrieks and a few loud shrill cries from some sort of animal. I just don't want you to get hurt."
         With those words, she grabs my hand and we take off to find the middle of this crazy world and maze.
Virgo POV
All I know is that I need to get to the middle. I have already heard a few monstrous cries and some shrieks. So, I need to get to the middle without any trouble. And I know now that that's not going to happen.
Anyway, I start to run through the maze until I bump into Leo?! Oh my goodness, it's really him. I instantly wrap my arms around his neck and we embrace. As it ends, he says," Virgo, it's good to see you. Are you okay? We need to get the middle and we to do it fast."
          He clasps my hand and as we take off to find the middle, I am boosted with confidence and strength.
Gemini POV
          As I start to run through this maze, I instantly get to a juncture. Which path do I choose? I pick the left one and continue on while contradicting my discussion. But, I soon learn it's a good one because I see my sister, Aries and Libra. I grab my sister into the biggest hug and I join their little group. We continue on together to find the middle of this crazy maze.
Scorpio POV
As I am bombarded with choice after choice and dead ends, I swiftly and hopefully move to the center. I soon come to a junction with five different ways to go. How can I possibly choose? I suddenly hear two mammoth, blaring, and monstrous cries from the furthest path. I instantly know that's my path. As I start to dash down it, I smell the sea as the air around me encases me. I am soon met by vast salt water lake.
         In the middle, two men are steadily fighting Pisces, Cancer, and Aqua. Wait, they're not men at all, they're Ichthyocentaurs and they're gaining control of the lake. I soon see their colossal fish tails knock Aqua off his feet causing him to plunge into the icy water while their hooves splash the water with force and their human torso keeps its stance. As I join the fight, I see Pisces dive after Aqua's body.
         While the Ichthyocentaurs dive underneath after her, Cancer and I instantly follow them. I suddenly see both Cancer and Pisces breathing the water. Maybe just maybe I can too. I stop holding my breath and take in an gulp of water. I feel my lungs take the makeshift air as I continue to swim and fight the Ichthyocentaurs. The water grows dark as a whorl pool forms and reveals Aqua's unconscious body and Pisces's alive one.
One of the Ichthyocentaurs says," Dear friends, I can see that you are getting tried. I am prepared to make peace through a deal. If I am able to keep these two, I'll let you both go free and I'll give you my trident which is one of the things needed to get the missing pages. If not, I'll fight you both till death."
Another one of the Ichthyocentaurs says," He's never gone back on his word. So, I highly suggest that you obey him."
As I hear them mention my choices, I see Pisces pulling Aqua up with her as she join us. She instantly says, " Not so fast Bythos and Aphros. I'll not have my fate decided by you two again. I've escaped both of you once and I plan to do it again."

Hi there.  I'm so sorry for not publishing sooner. Anyways I have good news. This story just got -16k- views. I would like to especially thank   _Overdosing_, Warrioress_Of_Musix,
211MindReader, Im_BoOk_LoVeR88, jessitopor Hound_for, Swan_Girl16, nicolecoronado22, eqc123, MintyL3af3032, Feathermoon24, Wo1fheart, ZoeNightShade123, l0stinmyth0ughts, AlpacasForDayzz, MooMooChubby, Shalisa123, JaylaFanGirlLanguage, best_hacker_girl, fandomlove312, ViccyCupcake, ScorpioMelon, Akashi0924,-IssyFrizzy-, colorfire22,m208010b,
Teensuperxy014, xboxonegames, pinkcaramel_,lewy1050,bubblefox,
_Firefly15_, XShrivelxupx,iulisor,               Queen_nuimnim,  issy2723,m208010b, and i_is_stoopid,isbellablack_01, kPrettyNerdyGirl01
Tuffy2345, lilyg44,B-Rizzo02, Anastasia-Shishiki, KreeKree9, jana42564797, Ryan12, phoebegeller, we_love_freed, carys_gemini, cp_kitty_kat,RiyaDirectioner,Saskia_Mackovski, KariaGuerrero055, ErMyGodIts5SOS, bri0_o, _Sasha_Brause_ and seehumisasewsome. I also want to thank any new followers and readers. As always new chapter soon. I promise, bye.

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