Chapter 36

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Hi there. I just wanted to wish all of my readers a Merry Christmas and to give all of you a preview of the next chapter. Merry Christmas.

Aquarius POV
     As I hear a loud and high pitched yes echo through the room, I realize that I had just lost my chance to ask Pisces to the dance. Why did she chose Scorpio? Why not me? As the lunch bell rings, Pisces comes over and asks," Are you okay?"
      "Umm, yeah I'm fine," I lie. Hopefully she won't see through my lie. I find out she does as she says," Are you sure, it look like something bothering you?"
      I can't tell her how I feel, it would just ruin my friendship with her. I try to change the subject, but Pisces won't give up. I finally admit with a lot of persuasion," Okay, Pisces you really want to know the truth." She furiously shakes her head yes as I continue and say," I like you, a lot. You're pretty, kind, courageous, loving, and prefect. But, you'll never date me because Scorpio has your heart."
     With that said she looks at me with her beautiful brown eyes, blinks twice, and says,"I'm so sorry, Aqua. I never knew you liked me like that. I'm sorry but, you're right, Scorpio does have my heart. I hope that our friendship will continue just as before."
      I can't believe what she just said. I have completely changed our friendship. She grabs into a hug and says," Here how about this, let's eat lunch together and just spend the rest of the school day together. Okay?"
      "That would be perfect," I reply as we walk into the cafeteria. Well, I guess if she won't be my girlfriend, being friends is better than nothing. Maybe just maybe, our friendship will stay the same, hopefully.

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