Chapter 38

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Scorpio POV: What ifs and Dresses
As I walk to the dorm, I feel the anticipation of tonight growing stronger and stronger. When I open the door, I see most of the other Zodiac boys either ready and raring to go or still getting dressed. I run my hand through my jet black hair as I think of today's events. Why does Aqua like Pisces? What about Cancer? I wonder how he feels about Pisces? But, most importantly, why do I like her?
      As I answer my own question by recalling all of my memories of her. They're magical. I soon realize, that besides me going with Pisces, Leo's going with Virgo and Sag is going with Cap. I wonder if they're going to start dating.
     Anyways, I put on my black pants with a white collared shirt and black shoes, nothing to fancy for me. I look at my reflection in the mirror and hope that Pisces will appreciate the way I look.
Pisces POV
     After the last bell rings, all the Zodiac girls go dress shopping. I don't love shopping but, sometimes you have to just do it, you know what I mean. As we walk into the mall, I instantly spot a blue dress, it's perfect. As I drag the rest of the girls into the store, the clerk tells us that there is a clearance sale because the store was being remodeled for the next 2 months. So, we're very lucky to be here on its last day before remodeling because everything is over 50% off.
As I look over my shoulder, I see that all my friends have their dresses and are waiting for me at the dressing rooms. Virgo and Cap go in first and each comes out in a mint green dress. Virgo's has bedazzled straps and neckline while Cap's has no sleeves with a jeweled torso. Both their dresses are long and flow beautifully from their bodies. They look amazing. After the come out in their regular clothes, Gemini and Libra go in and each comes out in a gorgeous purple dress. Libra's has only one large strap with multiple flowers on her left shoulder while Gemini has two bedazzled straps and torso. Their dresses are also long and fit their personalities perfectly. Taurus and I go in last. Taurus comes out in a dark green dress with her right side being strapless and bedazzled while her right side has one large green strap. The dress fits her perfectly and is as long as mine is. Lastly, I come out in a light blue dress with one jeweled strap on my right side with a jeweled neckline and belt. This wonderful dress is long and flows freely from my body.
      As we all purchase our dress, we thank the clerk and realize that it's 5;30. We only have and hour and a half to get ready. When we get to our dorm, each of my friends are pared up with another girl. This means that we will help each other out with hair and makeup. I get put with Cap while Virgo's with Gemini and Libra's with Taurus. We all change into our dresses and start the process of hair and makeup.
After I curl Cap's hair, I make a small braid on either side of her head and tie them together in the back of her head. Her golden highlights look radiant as the light catches them. I also help her with her makeup by adding glitter to her eyelashes. As she stands up and looks at her reflection, she smiles and gives me a small hug. Then she makes me sit, close my eyes, and promises that I'll look great.
Cancer POV
    As I walk over to Scorpio's bed, I realize something's pulling on his mind. I say," Hey, Scorpio mind telling me what's going on in that head of yours."
" Umm Cancer are you sure you want to hear it?" he replies.
I shake my head yes as he says," Well, Pisces and I are going to the dance together. But, today Aqua confessed his love for her. So, I'm just worried she's gonna dump me for him. I mean like he's so much better than I am, you know what I mean?"
I stare at him for a while, chuckle,and say," Scorpio, why would you ever think that? She has shown you multiple times that she loves you. Trust me unless Aqua has some sort of potion, she'll never fall in love with him."
As he chuckles, I realize his mind has calmed down and I bet he's thinking of what Pisces is going to look like. He's really lucky to have a girl like her. I mean like I don't like her that way, she's like my little sister, even though she already has a brother. Kinda ironic right?
I just hope that Aqua isn't to emotional right now. I know he has some problems with tonight and I kinda feel sorry for him. But, I can't do anything about it. I can't control the way Pisces feels.
Aqua POV
As I think about how much I love Pisces, I realize it's never going to happen. She looks at me like a friend, which is good don't get me wrong, but sometimes you want to be more than friends. Tonight I going to try to have fun with my friends and forget about the past and move on, hopefully.
Pisces POV
As Cap tells me to open my eyes, I see an unknown beauty in the mirror. My makeup looks perfect as well as my hair. It's curly and flowing with gems in it. I look away from my reflection and see a smiling Cap. I run to her, hug her, and say," Oh my goodness gracious me, I look so perfect. Here come sit down, I have one more thing to add to you.
I then add multiple sparkling gems into Cap's hair. She looks at me like I've just saved her life as she studies her new hairstyle. She thanks me by saying that she could not think of a better best friend. As we look around the room we see that most of the girls are thanking their partners while admiring each other's work. We all look splendid.
Suddenly I hear a few knocks on our door. As I open the door I see the Zodiac boys, I hide behind the door as I let them in. They all look awe struck as the see how beautiful we look. I tap Cancer on the shoulder and ask," Do you know where Scorpio is?"
He replies," He's coming. He just wanted to make a big entrance. You know what I mean."
As soon as he finishes answering my question, Scorpio walks in and looks a me with shock. He hugs me while saying," Hey beautiful love that dress on you."
He then kisses my cheek softly as we all head to the dance.

Hi there.  Sorry if this chapter is to long. But I have good news. This story just got -10k- views. I especially want to thank eqc123, MintyL3af3032, Feathermoon24, Wo1fheart, ZoeNightShade123, MooMooChubby, Shalisa123, JaylaFanGirlLanguage, best_hacker_girl, fandomlove312, ViccyCupcake, ScorpioMelon, Akashi0924,-IssyFrizzy-, colorfire22,m208010b,
Teensuperxy014, xboxonegames, pinkcaramel_,lewy1050,bubblefox,
_Firefly15_, XShrivelxupx,iulisor, Queen_nuimnim, issy2723,m208010b, and i_is_stoopid,isbellablack_01, kPrettyNerdyGirl01
Tuffy2345, lilyg44,B-Rizzo02, Anastasia-Shishiki, we_love_freed, carys_gemini, cp_kitty_kat, RiyaDirectioner,Saskia_Mackovski,
KariaGuerrero055, ErMyGodIts5SOS, and seehumisasewsome. Also thanks to anyone who has read this story/ favorited/ added it to their reading list/ or has followed me. New chapter soon. I promise. Thanks, bye.

Zodiac High Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora