Chapter 72

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Cancer POV: A Day at the Beach (Part 1)
    As I help Perseus and Virgo carry all the needed supplies, I finally realize that this our time to be 'normal' teenagers. Unless the average team regularly fights monsters, which I don't think is true, then we aren't normal. But, here's our chance to be. I mean with the whole summer ahead and hopefully no monster problems I can't wait to experiment in peace times. I just hope that we won't get too carried away but, I guess we have Perseus for that. I still can't believe that he is my brother. I think we all knew that Pisces and him were twins with him being the older one but, I can't believe that they are my siblings. Believe me, I love it but, I'm also kind of wondering if any more of my friends are related. I just hope that we don't do that weird brother and sister things that the Ancient Greek gods did. That would be really, really gross. Anyway, I put down my supplies where Perseus tells me just before Virgo goes with the other girls and I with other boys.
"Okay guys we have to look cool in front of the girls. I mean come on let's impress our girlfriends," as soon as the words leave Aqua's lips we all know what the other is thinking. I mean Aqua just got together with Taurus and Leo, Sagi, and Scorpio have been dating a bit before. Aries is planning on asking Gemini out soon. Then there's me. I'm mean the only reason Libra and I are together is because of that stupid river. But, I can't argue. I am lucky that we are even together. It's kind of ironic how we all paired up with very little pain as only Aqua got his heart broken and I guess Taurus got hurt too as I understand that she had liked him for a really long time. And it probably hurt to see the person that you love looking at someone else in a special way.
My thoughts are interrupted as Leo states," Does everyone understand the plan?"
"Umm, what is the plan?" I question without much thought. Many of the boys face palm as Leo goes through the entire plan once again with a nervous Aries standing beside him. This is going to be good.
Libra POV
    " I mean, I can't wait to relax! And with our summer in our hands I guess we can basically do whatever we want. I'm really hoping to spend some time with all of you!" Gemini exclaims as Virgo sits down.
    " I can't wait either! I really want to spend some time with Scorpio," Pisces blushes before she continues with," I mean, we don't get time to be normal. You know to socialize and be in a steady relationships," we all nod our heads in agreement just as Pisces continues in a worried tone," Speaking of the boys, have any you gals seen any of the boys?"
    We all look around before we all see the boys walking down the beach towards us. I think we all immediately realize what they are doing. Gemini starts to blush as she sees Aries. I wish that they would just get together already! They are so perfect for each other. I stare at them as I see Aries getting what appears to be a pep talk?! Maybe my wish is coming true!
Gemini POV
    I smile at Aries as all the boys walk over to us. Aries is the first to come over to any of the girls. And he comes over to me! He sit down next me in the sand. He then whispers into my ear," Gemini, I really like you."
    I internally squeal as I whisper back with a slight giggle," I like you too."
    With that Aries's lips a press hard onto mine as we share our first kiss. I relax into it and as we part, I hear a few whoops from the boys and a few awws from the girls. He takes my hand as Virgo asks just to make sure," You guys are together now?"
    It only takes a simple nod for her and everyone else to go off the rails. I smile at Aries, happy that my long-time crush likes me back. The rest of the boys come over to their girlfriends but, not before they congratulate Aries. I feel his arms wrap around my torso as mine trace over his mark on his back. I guess this is what true love feels like!

    Hello! I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter. Who knew Aries and Gemini would be such a cute couple? As always, new chapter soon. Bye.
P.S. I am going on vacation with my family for the next two weeks so, updates may be a bit scarce during that time but, they will go back to normal once I get back.

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