Chapter 76

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Aquarius POV: Surprise?!? {Part 1}
        It's been about a week since we've been here and the girls have sent us boys to the beach. They say that they have a surprise for us but, we can't step foot into the house until sunset. So, after breakfast, the girls send us on our way with a picnic basket full of food and a few beach towels. As soon as we get to the beach, Aries and Scorpio set up the volleyball net and we play game after game until about lunch time. We sit at a picnic table in the shade and begin to unpack our lunch. I notice that all of the boys have a small note attached to their lunches. Once I get mine, I hastily open the note. It reads:
    Step 1: Get the boys out of the house
    Step 2: Get the house ready
            Including: ALL of the decorations and the lights
    Step 3: Make the cake!!! (And the rest of the food)
    Step 4: Get ready
    I as I read mine my lips form into a small smirk. Taurus must have placed her to do list instead of my note in my lunch. I place my notes on the wooden table with a small thud and get the rest of the boys attention. They all look at me and then at the small piece of white paper with neat green handwriting. As the read it, they all look at each other and then back at me. In response to their attention, I state, " As you can clearly see, our surprise involves cake and decorations. Its no one's birthday as Cancer's has already passed and Leo's is too far away. I wonder what we could be celebrating."
    " I think that we should try to sneak a peek!" Aries exclaims as he interrupts me.
    " Hold on Aries, do you really want to ruin the surprise. I mean the girls did put a lot of work into it. Just think about how annoyed Gemini would get. She might even break up with you," Sagi states. We all chuckle as Aries face drops. Sagi really played him. But, we get him smiling again as Leo concludes, " How about we do this? How about we don't go up to the house at sunset? How about we come late?"
" I think that that might be a little harsh but, you know what I'm in!" I exclaim.
       " Me too," states Sagi.
" Me three," exclaims Cancer.
" Me as well," Perseus calmly states.
" Sounds like fun!" Arête comments.
Might as well," Aphros states
" Count me in," Scorpio says with a smile.
       " Let's do it," Aries adds.
    As soon as those words left Aries's mouth, it had become official. We were going to go late and probably scare the living daylights out of the girls. But, it would most definitely be fun!
Gemini POV
    As the sun finally begins sinks behind the horizon line, adrenaline begins to run through me. I can't believe we're celebrating the two year anniversary of our meeting. It was on this day only two years ago that we all meet. It was a hot summer day in the beginning of August and our younger selves had come for a mandatory week of introduction to our new school. It was this year that the original assembly of 88 students had been split unevenly. 12 would go to the new and special institution of Zodiac High and the other 76 would go to a place, not too far away, called Celestial High. It was at this division that the 12 of us were chosen. We were chosen for some unknown reason. And because we were chosen, we lost a family and gained one at the same time.
    Anyway, the day went by quickly and I had soon come to know everyone in my class and in the entire school all at once. Did I think it was weird? Did I think something was aloof ? Of course, I did but, I kept it to myself and those feelings went away as soon as I saw my parents smile. I would not see them until Christmas. But, when they gave me that reassuring smile as they left the next morning, I knew that I would be fine. All of our parents were required to stay the night and then leave in the morning. If I would have known what was to come the following year, I would not had let them go so easily. That day I had found a group of friends, eleven to be exact, that I knew would be special. And they are now more than ever before.
    The sun has sunk behind the horizon and the stars have started to come out. The boys are no where to be seen. I had personally thought that they were going to try to ruin the surprise, but they haven't even showed up yet. The girls and I have agreed to wait a bit longer to see if they come. And if they don't show up, we are all going to go looking for them. I just hope that nothing bad is keeping them. I mean with our track record, it could be almost anything from a giant bumble bee to a man-eating snake. As I try to gather my thoughts, the lights flicker until they all go off completely. As I try to find the switch, a hand grabs mine as I scream. Whoever is here is so dead. As soon as that thought runs through my head, the lights flick on and all of the boys are standing in front of us. Virgo immediately runs up to Leo as she checks him for any wounds. When he just shrugs and smiles, she looks prepared to slap him but, her anger subsides when Leo gives a passionate kiss on the lips. Simultaneously, both Taurus and Pisces give their boyfriends hugs as they question them why they are late. As the same time, Libra runs over to Cancer as she questions him as why they are late. I can tell that it doesn't matter too much to her as she only cares that we are all safe and sound at the moment. But, when she hears that they were late on purpose. It takes only a few seconds for her to become frustrated at the stupid actions of the boys. But, just as Leo did with Virgo, Cancer shuts her up and clams her down with a simple peck on the lips. They smile at each other just before they head to the table. Meanwhile, both Asterope and Calypso check up on Arête before Calypso checks up on Aphros while Pisces checks up on Perseus. Cap and I hang back but, soon Cap is in Sagi's arms as they share a quick kiss.
Aries comes over to me as he states, " Are you mad at me?"
" Why would you think that?" I question back.
" Well, Sagi said — SAGITTARIUS!!!" Aries replies, yelling the last part as he goes to find Sagi.
I smile happy that no one is hurt even if the boys did play us for fools. But, we will still have tons of fun. And Taurus did make a delicious cake. Her cakes are the best! Aries comes back to me as he questions, " So what's the surprise?"

Hello! I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter (sorry its a little late). I want to take this time to say thanks to all of your lovely comments. They really brighten my day! Part two will be out soon. Bye!

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