Chapter 1

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Hi guys! To all of you who have read my other books you know how I always say this book is under MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR and so on construction.

As well I will be making edits along the way.

Don't even bother trying to copy my story because I will hunt you down on Wattpad and make you life on Wattpad miserable. Also, copying is not cool guys. Make the right choices! Anyways enough with my rambling and enjoy!

Chapter 1: The Attack

I scribbled the sentence as it didn't fit perfectly in with the story. It was more of a distraction.

Fanning myself with one hand the other went to wipe the sweat the was slowly trickling down my neck. This summer was nothing to laugh about. We are experiencing a heat warning and a fire ban this year. Which never happens in Europe. Global warming is sure getting scarier these days.

LA was not one of my best classes and one of my least favourite subjects. Explains my struggling efforts on trying to create a perfect essay to raise my mark from an adequate to an exemplary. This was my make it or break it time. Exams were just around the corner and I needed my marks to be all A's in order to get into one of the best colleges or universities. That is Harvard or Stanford.

Blowing the strand of hair in front of my face out of the way I went back to writing my essay.

Honnnnnk! Eeeeeon! Honk! Eeeeeeon!


My head snapped upwards looking up at the announcer. What the hell was that? Everyone started talking wondering why the alarm had gone off and what was happening. Usually this is what happened when we do a drill. Today was a little weird.

"Anna, when did they decide to add side affects to drills?" My friend Tina asked.

Drill. Gun shot. Alarm.

At the same time both of our heads turned towards each other staring at each other in wide eyes.

This wasn't a drill.

Abruptly standing up from our desk we whispered yelled "This isn't a drill!"

Everyone's chatter died down as it all seem to make sense to them.

"Then, that gunshot..." Matt said.

"No it couldn't be-"

"Shut up and just do it how we usually do the drill" Tina once again whispered yell.

None of us really wanted to think of the alternative of that gunshot. The lady's voice getting cut off. The alarm suddenly blaring in the the school but, then was silenced.

As we all quietly attempted to go to the corner of the room far away from the doors and the windows. Numerous of gunshots were heard in the school.

My head turned towards the door my heart beating like I never heard before.


"What...w-was that?" Brittney asked.

I stood there in daze as I felt a huge amount of fear and adrenaline suddenly flow in my blood. My whole body stiffened as my feet were frozen to the ground unable to move. Horror seeped through me slowly as I slowly heard pleas and screams down the hallway.


My eyes stayed locked on the door waiting for the people to enter the room, kick down the door, shoot the door or break the door down. The thought of the handle moving makes me more frightened.

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