Chapter #10

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I held a lump in my throat as an attempt to sound as if I was going to cry. Honestly, no matter how many times I could black out there, I'll never forget the delectable taste of murder's power. 

It was the new drug- the new Kurt. And I'll tell you now, I would probably never get tired of it.

My older sister motioned to the seat across from her at the large oak table.

I gladly took the seat in the well-built chair, which not only matched the table, but had a sort of rough evergreen fabric covering the parts you'd rest your bottom and back on.

"Go on," I insisted, the lump of oxygen and possibly saliva choking me in the process. As I waited for the explanation, I watched her body language, attempting to read her like a children's book. 

Her movements were slow and upset, but I could tell they contained something else- something more. Much more. 

I started to mentally question it. Could she possibly know? She couldn't! Not at all! Actually, she was somewhere in the house at the time of the murder. I probably would of heard her crying for me and the dead child we called our sister. To be honest, knowing the adult that sat before me with her face buried in her hands, she was probably doing laundry, for it was oddly relaxing to her.

You see, I didn't know her. I had no clue where she was or what she was doing, but who was I to care? In fact, the departed child just called me to the unforgiving spot of the wishing well. 

I didn't know the woman who pulled her face from her hands, looking to me with a face that seemed oddly cold, but still hurting.

Now, my sister was never cold to her family. Maybe to a stranger or someone she despises for a reason, but never to me nor my sisters. It was new. It was gross. It felt.. Wrong..

I held in my surprised attitude, continuing to joke on the random lump.

"Zed," she began, watching me quietly as something pooled in her eyes. 

Well, I studied it for a few seconds, continuing to try and figure out what this woman was thinking. I'll tell you now, it was quite difficult with tears clouding her vision, but I surely succeeded in reading her.

Within her eyes were confusion, but it didn't hit me until I rested at night, which is when I figured out why.


I gnawed on the inside of my mouth, honestly not caring whether or not I left a bulging and yet tiny bump that'd cause me pain later on in the week.

Aparra sighed softly, grabbing the cover of the candle.

This lead me to inspect the wax-based object contained in the sparkling and clean glass container. 

It was a very soft yellow, which led it to almost be pure white. 

I didn't know another way of describing the color, but I'm pretty sure those who are still reading this wretched childhood story of mine can picture the large candle centered in the middle of the table.

It let off a faint scent of what I'd believe to be a vanilla cupcake. 

To me, that happy scent didn't exactly fit the mood, which was somber and heartbreaking. 

My sister had lost something she loved dearly. Someone I knew she loved more than the others in our filled household. 

She had a hole left in her heart now, which was obviously caused by the death of Monika. This hole would never be filled, but how could I know? Maybe deep down, in the end, the hole was patched by Monika returning. But who am I to say so? Plus, I'm skipping too far into this hell hole of unforgiving life choices you've unfortunately dragged yourself down into and become a part of. 

If I were you, I'd stop reading here. My dear, you could so easily go on and find a happier story. Hell, you could even continue to live on without a care for Monika's painful death. You could be doing anything else- playing tag, eating sweets, cuddling with your pet, feeding ducks at the pond, or even go fishing... But you dear, you are not, you are suffering through this tale. 

If you're still reading, I'm dreadfully sorry, but I've tried to save you. I guess we should return to this abomination I call MY LIFE.

"It's getting late," the adult before me informed, "You should be getting ready for bed. Kitty and Kurt are sleeping in the spare bedroom, so I suggest you don't go in there."

She held the covering of the candle in her hand, giving it a small squeeze and letting out a shaky sigh as she looked me in the eyes.


My heart possibly stopped.

"I know how betrayed you feel about Kurt.."

I coughed, the lump finally disappearing. How did she know? How did she find out? How fucking obvious was it!?

"I noticed your body language, Zed, and how your attitude changed.. Actually dear, if he asked you to go to the pool, you would of went in a two piece, wouldn't you?.."

I stared at her in disbelief, range slowly flowing through my veins like a river.

"No." I stated in a cold voice. eyes narrowing at the thought of Kurt, "He's a waste of time and space."

My sister blinked a few times, shocked by my sudden change in character, before continuing her weak little confession to me.

"You fell in love with him, Zed.. It's okay to say so.. I understand your feelings, my dear.."

I continued to stare at her.

"I understand that Kitty has taken that man from you, but this.. This anger I sense from you every time you see him or hear his name.. There's no point to it if you've fallen out of love with him, my dear.."

I turned my back, marching to my room as I heard the gentle pop of the candle being shut, the light in the kitchen slowly dying out.


Hey guys, Kitty here! 1000 words in this one! I'm catching

up to my goal! I have 8 days left in my God awful school

 (well, counting this one as I'm actually in photography class, 

where I should be thinking of ideas for my fashion 

photography project, but nah.Who the hell really cares 

about fashion anyway? Psh! Not me!

I'm beginning to get back into my writing habits, which

I'm pretty happy about. Plus, we've reached 100+ views

on this book! YAAAYY!! :3

Any-who, I'll end this chapter here. Thank you all for

sticking with this book (if you're still reading it that is-)

for this long and I look forward to writing in this book a 

lot more than I have in the past, so be looking forward

to more chapters of violence! Cya!


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