Chapter #7-

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There was Kurt making out with my sister on the couch, both of them in their underwear. How fucking DARE they do this! Kurt was MINE and he would always be MINE

My body shook a bit with rage as I watched them for a few more seconds. As if I lost control of my body, I shouted, "YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!?"

Kitty knew that she wasn't allowed to be dating yet, for she had a whole year to wait until she could. Not only that, but they were most likely going to have sexual intercourse if I hadn't stopped them. Kitty and Kurt making love to each other on the couch. DISGUSTING. And the thought of my sister having Kurt's baby made me sick to my stomach. 

Kitty let out a small whimper, "I-I know I shouldn't but.. Uhh.. Kurt and I have been together for almost a year.." 

My heart was sunk. My hope was destroyed. Everything important to me just died like that in my face. 

Kurt let out a small sigh, ¨Truth is, I'm moving in with you and your family..¨ My stomach churned angrily as he moved his arms around his dressing girlfriend's waist. 

¨You're both fucking disgusting.¨ 

Where did that come from? I don't know. It just came out with my fit of rage. I hated them and now they probably hated me even more as I stomped away from the teenage bastards. 

I returned to my room, grabbing an old stitched doll of Happy Noodle Boy Kitty made for me. Every limb, every body part- stitched to the finest ability. Every little stitch angered me. Perfection was too much at the moment and I didn't want to put up with that shit. As much as I loved every Noodle Boy skit in Kitty's dark and unforgiving Johnny Maniac comics, I grabbed its arm. 

With a swift tug came a sickening 'RIP!'. The doll lost its right arm. 

Another tug. Another 'RIP!'. Just legs.

Tug. Tug. Tug. Tug. TUG. Rip. Rip. Rip. Rip. RIP!

The doll was merely a pile of fabric, stuffing, and long pieces of thread from which Kitty sewed it with. 

The head was the most mutilated mess of them all, but I loved it. The feeling of over powering someone like that- playing God. Your demise was MY choice. ZED was the one to choose your demise. 

I was Pilate to Jesus- I tried to help everyone, but it'd end in fighting, anger, misery.. Now.. Now it'll end in BLOODSHED. Not my blood, but yours. 

Back in the day, that felt so right. It was so wrong and so fucking disgusting.. It was perfect. I understood why people killed each other- the rush of murder, the idea of playing God.. 

To this day, the choice I made about this idea of murder haunts me. It changed me too much- shaped me into the beast that you'll soon see before you. 

Oh, the wondrous choices of life, why must you hurt me so? You, oh choices, you watched me- witnessed all of this. Why had you not stopped me before it was too late? Why did you do this? Why did you watch it happen? Why did you let me transform from a normal outcast to a listed killer? 

Alas, I can't blame the world for this one- it just watched me commit to insanity. Even to this day, I question if the world waited and watched as I snapped or playfully added Kurt to watch me grow and crumble like a sand castle when a large tide comes in. 


I miss you, my dear..

I apologize for ever failing you by doing this to you.

You were too young.

Your face haunts me to this very day as you suffocated.

Kitty here! Sorry for only doing 625 words. I really just ran

out with this one. Zed's poetry is actually really fun to write.

Kitty and Kurt ended up being real assholes, huh? Also, this
Kitty is like.. An alternate universe Kitty. She's not like me,
I swear!

Sorry for taking so long, I had a stressful weekend.. Oof.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one. I'm reaching for 1000
in the next chapter, so let's just hope that I do. Cya! 


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