Chapter 93: Ultra Instinct's Second Coming (Part 2)

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Kefla began to charge up many red energy blasts, which began to combine and spiral around. She grinned. "I like this one!"
Goku, on the other hand, stopped powering up and got in his normal fighting stance.
"Are you done powering up?" Kefla asked.
"Yeah. This is enough for me." Goku replied.
Kefla grinned as she spread her feet. "I see. Then... disintegrate with the fighting stage!"
She charged forward, the red blast still in her hand, and attempted to shove the attack into Goku's face, but he simply moved to the side as Kefla tossed the blast and almost fell off the rock. She stumbled, bouncing on one foot. "Whoops! Whoa!" Her energy blast rocketed off into the abyss.
Kefla turned, an angry expression on her face. "Hey! Stop dodging, you bastard!" She charged and threw a kick from behind, but Goku just ducked without even looking. Kefla finished her spin, did a backflip, and began throwing more kicks at amazing speeds, but Goku dodged each one without even blinking. Kefla tried punches, but those also missed spectacularly.
"He's dodging everything effortlessly!" Krillin observed.
"Goku's barely moving from that spot." Master Roshi noted.
Kefla attempted two kicks to Goku's head, but he easily avoided both. She tried to punch him repeatedly, but he just kept avoiding her attacks. "Are you mocking me?!" Kefla shouted angrily. 

Eventually Kefla got fed up with trying physical attacks, and she charged up four red energy attacks in each hand, then tossed all of them at Goku.
Goku evaded each and every blast, jumping backwards off the pillar of rock he had been standing on and beginning to slide down it.
Kefla tossed more energy blasts down at Goku as she gave chase, but Goku leaned back and all of the blasts flew over his nose. Kefla fell down until she was eye level with Goku, and in that brief second Goku's eyes shone as he yelled, using a straightforward punch to knock Kefla away.
"Whooooooooah!" Kefla shouted as she sailed away, crashing into a bunch of boulders.
"Yes!" Yamcha, Tien, and Krillin all shouted at the same time.
"He got her!" Master Roshi said.
Goku landed on the ground and raised his fist, studying it intently like he was frustrated about something.
Kefla leaped out of the rubble and landed on a pillar of rock, looking down at Goku. She grabbed her right shoulder with her left hand and began swinging her right arm, laughing. "Ha ha ha! What was with that punch?" she asked confidently. Then, Kefla jammed her right fist into her left hand. "Your moves are impressive, but your attacks are pretty wimpy! That's not all you've got, is it, Son Goku?"
"No." Goku replied, looking up at Kefla and lowering his fist, "I'm getting the hang of this." His eyes sharpened. "Of Ultra Instinct." The wispy blue aura returned.
Kefla grinned. "Heh heh. It looks like you've powered up, but you won't beat me with attacks like that."
Goku just stared up at her.
"I don't like that attitude." Kefla decided, "I'm gonna pummel you for sure this time. Get ready!" She spread her feet and raised her fists. "Here goes, Son Goku!" 

Goku raised his head a little, then spread his feet and shot forward, appearing behind Kefla and hitting her in the stomach with hundreds of punches. Then, while she was stunned, Goku kicked her in the face and sent her flying into the ground.
Kefla held her stomach, wincing as she looked up. "Impossible!"
Goku charged down and threw a punch, which Kefla barely managed to block.
"What's wrong?" Goku asked. Kefla growled and tried to kick him, but Goku jumped behind her and kneed her through several more pillars of Kachi Katchin. Then, as Kefla was hurtling through the air, Goku threw a punch with so much force that it created a shockwave, hitting Kefla in the gut and speeding up her flight.
Kefla slammed into another spire of Kachi Katchin, but Goku looked troubled- his eyes were shaking and his teeth were clenched. Kefla suddenly burst out of the pile of rubble, standing on top of the spire and shrieking in anger. She looked down at Goku while breathing heavily. But the fact that she was still standing alone was incredible. Either her stamina was off the charts... or Goku's attacks really weren't as good as his moves.
"She took that barrage and still got up?" Krillin asked incredulously.
"Is this how tough Kefla is?" Tien exclaimed.
"No." Whis replied. Everyone looked at him as he explained: "Kefla's vigor is impressive indeed. But at present, it appears Goku's attacks are the main problem in that they are ineffective. It's most likely due to the fact that he can't fully utilize Ultra Instinct when he switches from defense to offense. If he can't end the fight with the next hit, his stamina may not last."
Only then did Yamcha notice that Goku's breathing was starting to become labored. But his old friend seemed to steel his nerves, and Goku planted one foot forward as he faced Kefla. "The next attack'll finish it." 

Kefla gritted her teeth as she stared down at Goku. "Dammit!" she exclaimed, clenching her fists and spreading her feet, "Not yet! It's not over yet!" Kefla's aura returned, this time more thunderous than ever.
"Kefla's energy is swelling up even more than before!" Cabba exclaimed.
Kefla looked towards Goku again with a wild look in her eyes. "In that case, I'm gonna hit you with everything I've got!" Her aura went from green to red, and it was growing bigger and bigger.
Suddenly lasers began streaming out from the aura, swinging around across the fighting stage.
"Wow! What is that?" Champa asked.
"Kefla's energy is being released in all directions like lasers." Vados informed him, "This is quite literally a final weapon."
Champa stood up, pumping his fists. "I'm not sure what it is, but keep it up, Kefla!"
"It appears that being cornered has awakened a rather unpleasant power within her." Whis noted.
"A fight or flight response?" Beerus remarked, "This will be problematic."
Kefla glared down at Goku. "Say goodbye!" she yelled as red streams of energy began raining down towards Goku, who started to evade then. Kefla screamed in a mix of effort and rage as three lasers shot forward at the same time. Goku ducked, but one of the lasers cut off a millimeter of his hair. Goku dodged another, but he could practically feel it almost brush against his elbow. Nevertheless, he kept going.
"Oh, no! If that hits him, not even Goku will be able to survive!" Master Roshi exclaimed worriedly.
"Does Kefla intend to use up all of her energy?" Krillin wondered aloud.
As more lasers swept down, cutting a pillar of Kachi Katchin behind Goku into three separate pillars, Goku leaped back onto the middle pillar and cupped his hands at his side. 

Kefla directed more lasers towards the pillars as Goku jumped off and began landing on chunks of flying debris. He hopped onto a square of Kachi Katchin, then onto another.
Kefla clenched her teeth, arching her back and roaring as another laser cut the block Goku was standing on in half, right down the middle. Goku barely managed to avoid it. He landed on another block. Then that one was gone. He leaped onto another block.
That one was gone, too. He leaped onto a third block. Then that one was gone. Goku ended up just floating in midair for a bit, still charging up his Kamehameha.
Kefla gritted her teeth harder and the ferocious gleam in her eyes only grew as she began throwing energy blasts and lasers out like a crazy person. Everyone was at risk now, not just Goku.
Goku, however, just kept avoiding the lasers and blasts.
"Me..." he kept chanting as he jumped around. He began leaping off of small platforms of Kachi Katchin, climbing up towards Kefla.
Finally, Goku leaped into the air, right towards Kefla, who grinned. "You can't dodge in midair!" she exclaimed, charging up a spinning saw-blade of red-and-green energy in either hand. "I... WIN!" Kefla shouted, firing both red-and-green energy waves down at Goku. 

But as the energy waves shot towards Goku, in one fluid motion he swung his legs upward, out of the way, while spinning in midair. He was upside down for a second, but that quickly changed to a sliding position as he went over the energy waves and stopped in front of a shocked Kefla.
Then, Goku maneuvered in the air so that his feet were facing the ground again, and he threw his hands forward. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" 

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