Chapter 59: Calling All Warriors!

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(A Few Months Later)

Yamcha and Marorizu finished their sparring session and landed on the ground, with Marorizu powering back down to her base form. Yamcha wiped his forehead, a little sweaty. "Whew! Thanks, Marorizu! I can always count on you to help me with my training!" Marorizu walked up to Yamcha and kissed him. She pulled away after a minute and smirked, folding her arms. "You mean you can always count on me to train alongside you." Yamcha grinned and nodded like he was trying to throw his head off his neck. "Uh, r-right! Yeah!" Pine groaned. "Mom! Dad! Can you please not do that when I'm with you? It's embarrassing!" Her parents laughed, and Yamcha knelt down, placing a hand in his daughter's hair and ruffling it. "You know, Pine... Someday you're going to be old and you'll fall in love, too..." "Dad!" Pine exclaimed. Yamcha and Marorizu both chuckled again. Suddenly, Goku flew down from the clouds and landed nearby, walking up to them.

"Hi, Yamcha!" Goku said. Yamcha clasped his friend's hand. "Yo, Goku. What brings you here?" Goku laughed, though Yamcha noticed the nervous look in his eyes. "Well, see, there's this battle royale-style tournament going on between most of the universes, and... I'm looking for some more team members. Gohan and Majin Buu (Author's Note: Majin Buu became a good guy after the Buu Saga was over. He also went back to being fat.) have already agreed to participate, but we need 12 members for our team..." Yamcha arched his eyebrows. Oh... I forgot about the Tournament Of Power. Wait a second. Twelve team members? I remember that in my first life, it was ten... Despite his confusion, Yamcha smirked confidently. "So, you came straight here, huh?" Goku smiled. "Well, yeah. After getting Piccolo, Android 17, Android 18, and Krillin to join, too." "What about my brother?" Marorizu asked. "Well, at first Vegeta said he wasn't gonna join, but after he and Bulma's daughter was born he agreed to participate in the tournament." Marorizu smirked, nodding slowly. "Oh, so my brother has a soft side after all." Goku nodded, and Marorizu stepped forward. "Can I join as well?" 

Goku looked a little worried. "Um, Marorizu, haven't you only learned Super Saiyan?" Marorizu snorted. "Please. I make it a point to stay strong, even in peaceful times. I learned Super Saiyan 2 long ago." Yamcha nodded. "It's true. And on top of that, she learned how to enhance Super Saiyan 2 by... well, actually, I shouldn't tell you yet. But it's amazing, trust me!" Goku nodded, surprised but happy. "Alright! That leaves Master Roshi, Tien, and Vegeta." Yamcha nodded. "Sounds like you've got quite a bit of recruiting to do. Mind if I go with you? I mean, it's been a while since I've seen the others." Marorizu grabbed Yamcha's arm. "Sounds fun. I'll join, too. I can't let you boys have all the fun every time." "Sure thing! Definitely! If you want to come, that's totally fine by me!" Yamcha said. Marorizu rolled her eyes, smiling, then faced Goku. "Let's go, then." Goku looked at Yamcha and held out his hand. Yamcha grasped it again, and Goku grinned. "Well, alright then: Yamcha! Lend us your power! And Marorizu, you as well!" Yamcha grinned back. "Alright!" Marorizu smirked. "Sure." Pine finally spoke again: "Can I come see everyone else?" Marorizu's expression softened as she looked down at her daughter. "That would be fine, sweetheart. Now let's get moving."

They flew steadily for some time until eventually they came across a mountainous town. Goku's eyes narrowed. "I can feel Tien's energy around here somewhere... Master Roshi's, too." "Well, let's take a look around." Yamcha replied. And so they did- the four of them landed on the ground and began to walk through the village. Eventually, Goku asked one of the residents a question: "Uh, excuse me? Do you know where Tien Shinhan is?" The man nodded. "Oh, that martial artist? He runs a dojo around these parts. It's right over there!" The man pointed, and everyone looked to see a large building with the words "Tenshin-Hall" written on a sign above the entrance. Goku thanked the man, and after he left, Marorizu snorted. "How in the world did we miss that earlier?" Goku shrugged. "Well, let's go in and see if Tien is there." 

They eventually found the three-eyed warrior having just finished a session of training his students. Goku strolled up and waved casually. "Hey, Tien! Long time no see!" Tien was surprised from the sudden visit, but he told his students to keep practicing without him and flew over with Chiaotzu to meet up with the group. Yamcha nodded towards Tien's best friend. "What's up, Chiaotzu?" Chiaotzu nodded back. "Hello, Yamcha." Yamcha smiled, then walked up to Tien and swung his hand forward in a give-me-a-handshake sort of way. Tien shook Yamcha's hand, and Yamcha grinned. "Tien, my man! I see someone's been busy since the last time we saw each other." Tien chuckled. "Heh. It's good to see you, too, Yamcha. I can tell you've also been training hard." He looked at Marorizu and Pine. "Greetings, Marorizu. Pine. Welcome to my dojo." Marorizu smiled good-naturedly. "I must admit, this place is quite nice." Tien laughed, and Chiaotzu piped up: "Well, it wasn't easy to build, I'll tell you that much." Tien nodded at his lifelong friend's remark and faced Goku. "Anyway, enough about us and our dojo. What brings you, Yamcha, Marorizu, and Pine all the way out here? I get the feeling you didn't stop by just to say hello, even though it has been a while." Goku nodded. "Yeah! Actually, we came to ask where Master Roshi was. Oolong said he came to your dojo as a special instructor or something." Tien nodded. "Oh. In that case, follow me." 

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