Chapter 79: The Ultimate Enemy Approaches

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Yamcha was ready to jump in and help a defenseless Master Roshi against Frost and Magetta, but it turned out he didn't need to. Even though earlier Frost had beaten up the weakened Turtle Hermit, Vegeta had stepped in and was doing a pretty fine job of keeping both Frost and Magetta busy in his Super Saiyan form. That is, until Master Roshi used the Evil Containment Wave a third time to try sealing Frost into a jar. Frost mimicked the technique and Vegeta was the one sealed away instead. Then, with practically no stamina left, Master Roshi fired one final energy blast, which missed. Frost had shot him in the chest, sending him tumbling backwards, and the counterpart of Frieza from Universe 6 laughed. "Ha ha! The last of your power is only that?" Master Roshi looked up and pointed to the side as his blast changed course and broke a section of the bottle holding Vegeta off. It began to glow bright blue and Frost dropped it in a panic. The jar shattered and Vegeta walked out of the emerging shaft of cyan light, now in his Super Saiyan Blue form. "Now..." he growled, "I'm really ticked off!" 

"M-Magetta, do something!" Frost exclaimed. Magetta didn't seem to know what to do, when Yamcha realized that the rock covering one of Magetta's ears had also been taken out by Master Roshi's energy attack. He cupped his hands around his mouth. "You freak!" he catcalled, "Go back to whatever junkyard you crawled out of!" Magetta's eyes went wide and he curled up into a ball, refusing to move or fight. This was due to his weakness- he couldn't take even one insult. Frost glanced at his teammate in shock, then looked at Vegeta and smirked. "We'll settle this another time." He blasted the ground and sent up a smoke cloud, then vanished. Vegeta scoffed, picking up Magetta and tossing him off the edge. "Do something about that fragile ego!" the Saiyan prince snapped. Then, he looked down at Master Roshi. "Hey, old man. It's time for you to go." Master Roshi nodded and let himself fall off the stage. Two members of Universe 7's team were down. 

(A Few Moments Later)

After some shenanigans involving Frieza and Gohan tricking and eliminating Frost, Yamcha stood around and watched Goku take on Ribrianne. He fought the warrior from Universe 2 in his base form, and then in his Super Saiyan form. But surprisingly, Ribrianne managed to keep pace- until Goku went Super Saiyan Blue and literally punted her across the fighting stage. "Wow! Nice kick, Goku!" Yamcha exclaimed. Goku laughed. "Thanks, Yamcha." Suddenly, Goku's eyes narrowed as he looked forward, in front of the rock he was standing on. Ribrianne had rolled to a stop right at the feet of Jiren. Ribrianne accused Jiren of secretly loving her, but he didn't even glance down at her. Looking a bit intimidated, Ribrianne scurried behind a rock and hid. Meanwhile, Goku powered back down into his base form. Yamcha stepped out from next to the boulder he had been leaning on and watched intently as Goku and Jiren stared at each other. 

"It's about time, isn't it?" Khai asked. "Yes. The time is ripe." Belmod replied. He closed his eyes and began speaking telepathically with Jiren. "Can you hear me, Jiren? Jiren... Jiren..." "I can hear you." "The time for saving your strength is over. Start by crushing Son Goku." Belmod instructed as his mental figure stood next to Jiren's. Universe 11's God Of Destruction held out his hand, and a little image of Goku in his Super Saiyan Blue form appeared. Belmod clenched his fist and snuffed the figure out. "You can ignore the weaklings." "I understand." Jiren said. "I leave the rest to you, Jiren." Belmod remarked before he cut off the telepathic chat. Jiren opened his eyes, and Goku tensed. Jiren took one step forward. Then another. And another. He kept walking towards Goku, and at that moment a sound like rumbling echoed across the entire stage. 

Caulifla's mouth hung open a little. "Did you feel that, Kale?" "Yes, Sis." Kale replied, looking nervous. The pebbles on the ground began shaking violently, and Vegeta looked rattled. "What's this energy?" 17's hair looked like it was caught in a breeze. "Feel that?" he asked his sister. "Yeah." 18 noted, "The air..." "What the heck is going on?!" Yamcha exclaimed, "It feels like at any moment the stage is gonna start- s-s-s-shaking!" The last word was stammered because it wasn't just the stage rumbling- it was the entire World Of Void. "What... what is this? I've never felt anything like it!" Tien said. "Is this all coming from just that one fighter?" Marorizu asked with a tinge of fear in her voice. Yamcha's eyes widened. Anything that scared Marorizu was something that was clearly a real threat. Frieza whacked his tail against the rock he was perched on. "My, my. It looks like quite the monster is on the move." he said. Toppo also seemed interested in what was going on. "Jiren. Fight to your heart's content. To fulfill your wish. To obtain the Super Dragon Balls!" Goku chose that instant to jump down so that he was on equal ground with Jiren. Everyone else paused their fighting and watched as they anticipated the inevitable, titanic battle. 

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