Kurama stood up with a nod and grabbed Naruto from the Hokage. "Thank you for watching over her." Gazing down to his Jinchuriki and saw the red around her eyes. "She may be a bit clumsy and slow, but it's what makes her Naruto. What do you plan on doing with Madara?"

"What I must to protect this village." Hashirama replied with a frown. "I never expected for Madara to turn his back on the village. I wonder what happened." He hadn't heard the conversation between the blonde and the Uchiha. He felt like he would be invading their privacy if he did and simply watched them interact. "She's a good kid." Caressing Naruto's cheek before he nodded to Kurama. "I'll take my leave."

"Night." Kurama muttered as the Shodai left the place. Taking Naruto to her bed and tucked her under as he took off her shoes and cardigan. He sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. Holding Naruto's hand in his as he voiced quietly. "You are far stronger that what you believe, Kit. I know you can end the war. If you could befriend me, the embodiment of hatred, then I believe you can do anything you set your mind to." Morphing back into his fox form and trotted back into the living area. He had a lot of thinking to do.

October 9th Morning: Naruto

Naruto woke up against something muscular and warm. Opening her eyes slowly and found herself in the arms of Tobirama and looked up to see him smirking down at her. Her face turned red as she buried her head into his chest and muttered out. "G-good m-morning."

Tobirama chuckled and brought Naruto closer to his frame. Enjoying how she moulded perfectly with his body. "Morning..." His voice was husky, having just woken up about a few minutes ago in Naruto's bed. He had no idea how he got there till he heard the snickers of Kurama and rolled his eyes. That sly fox. "I believe this is Kurama-san's doing."

Naruto peeked up at Tobirama with an arched brow. "Yeah. His chakra is bubbling." Muttering under her breath. "Baka-kitsune."

Tobirama chuckled and tilted Naruto's head towards him and placed a gentle yet rough kiss on her lips. "I wouldn't mind waking up like this every morning for the rest of my life." Enjoying how her sapphire orbs widen in surprise as her complex resembled a tomato. He smirked and nudged her nose with his. Knowing only he could get this sort of reaction out of her. An innocent reaction. "I love you, Naruto." He whispered against her lips.

Naruto felt her entire body heat up as she covered her face with her hands. "You're an idiot." She muttered. He made her heart go 'doki-doki' and was now more conscious of him. Especially since they were sharing a bed and hew wasn't wearing a shirt. She could feel his sculpted abs against her body. She was so embarrassed.

Tobirama chuckled in her ear and moved her hands out of her face. "Only around you, Naruto." Kissing her knuckles lightly when his eyes caught sight of something new on her wrist. He wouldn't question her about it right now. Being with Naruto like this was...magical. Though his red orbs widen in surprise as Naruto flipped him on his back and she was now straddling hips. He landed his hand on her waist and looked up to her in confusion as she was covering his mouth with one of her hands. He was tempted to lick her hand, but feigned from doing so. He liked where she was right now. She was comfortable with him.

"Sshh..." Naruto hushed as her ears picked up on subtle movements inside the cottage. Looking towards the closed door and heard babbling. Her eyes lit up in joy. "Jiraiya..." About to leap out of the bed and glomp the baby when she suddenly squealed in surprise as Tobirama flipped them over and had Naruto pinned under him. Naruto lightly glared up to Tobirama as she placed her hands against his bare chest. "What the hell, Teme?!"

"Even if he is a child, your attention should only be on me, Naruto-Koi." Tobirama smirked down at her and claimed her lips as his own as soon as he saw them part, ready to argue with him. Inwardly grinning when she kissed him back. He would do this all day if she'd let him. Moaning into her wet lips. "I love you..."

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