Chapter 1

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A young 16 year old, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, was currently training with Kumara in her mindscape on Turtle Island while the bloodshed of the fourth great shinobi war was happening miles away from her current position. What she didn't know was that on that very day her life would change completely, before she could help her comrades out on the battle field against the legendary Madara Uchiha, with his Zetsu army and Kabuto's reincarnated army of the greatest of shinobi to walk the Earth.


A yellow flash could be seen as Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze was running at full speed to help her fellow comrades finish the war, and try to bring peace to the world like her Master, Jiraiya, and sibling student Nagato seeked. Naruto decided to cut through the forest in hopes of reaching the battle field faster. But she soon realized how big of a mistake it was to travel in an unfamiliar forest and to top it off, the forest was dense with foliage, but she pummeled forward not wanting to turn around and waste more time.

With the Kyuubi's chakra mode, her senses became heightened and could feel the malice radiating of the enemies which made it easier for her to pinpoint where she needed to go. The further she ventured into the forest the more restless Kumara was; and immediately Naruto became to worry for her new friend and asked to see if he was alright.

"Yo Fuzz ball, what's wrong? I can feel your chakra becoming restless within the seal."

"Kit...This forest. Be careful, Kit."

"What? Why?" Naruto was becoming more annoyed with his cryptic messages. They made her think too much.

"Just watch where you step."

"BAKA FOX Just tells me alreeaady" she whined. A tick mark formed on top of the fox's head, he hated it when the stupid flesh bag acted like this.


"BAKA FOX, ERO KITSUNE, KURAMA-JIJI ASDFGHJKL!" The fox's eye started to twitch furiously. If there was one thing his holder knew what to do, it was to annoy the hell out of people, but Naruto's next comment made the Kyuubi no Kitsune snap at his new found partner. "Tch, some top-dog Bijū you are."




"Are you serious...?" Naruto started grinning; oh she was going to enjoy putting the demon fox in his place. "You, the nine-tailed fox got sealed into me by my parents, you're like hundreds of years old and don't think that I don't know about you fantasizing about a certain two-tailed cat." "Oh this is goood. Take that you stupid fox."

"W-watch your-r m-mouth kit; and watch where you're going. You've got to take this war seriously."

"Ohohoho, no denial...Wait! You stupid fox, of COURSE I'm taking this seriously. Tsk. Tell me what's wrong before I-I do this!" Naruto started projecting various positions of the demon fox and cat doing the nasty deed in human form. "Looks like all those books ero-sennin made me read was totally worth it." Kumara couldn't block out all the images his holder were throwing at him, which led him flying backward with a massive nose bleed. "Ouch, note to self: No more pervy thoughts about demons." Kumara got back on his feet and couldn't stop his nose from running with red liquid. Boy, was he embarrassed; more so when his fur became more red than usual. If that was even possible.


Naruto gave the Fox one last intimate image before she stopped harassing the pleading Fox. "Well looky here, the strongest Bijū surrendering. Oh I'm soo using this as blackmail after I defeat Mada-teme."

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