Part 15 ( Runaway bride)

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*Me or Him?* ( Part 15, Runaway bride) - long part

>> Flashback conversation<<<
At the recording studio

" Psssttt.. Yoongi hyung.. psstt"- Me

Yoongi looked at me with his eyebrows up a bit. 

" What's the hell are you whispering to me? You're just next to me -_-"- Yoongi

I just laughed at him.. He always made my day thought.

" Well  I need your help hyung"- Me

" What kind of help do you want me to?"- Yoongi

" Rescue mission"- Me

" Hah?! who to rescue?"- Yoongi

" Minra"- Me

" Hahahahaha.. Finally.. I've been waiting for this dude! You got swag.. So, what's the plan?"- Yoongi

" Wait.. You also know the story about her?"- Me

" Hell yeah.. She's like my sister and I once like her but she shows that she like you more so I stop"- Yoongi

" No.. I don't want to hear your first love story.. wait.. what? Your first love was minra? The girl that you've been mention before was Minra?!!"- Me

" Hahahah.. Yeah.. but She likes you so I move on easily"- Yoongi

",Ah ...Forget it.. That's not is.. Is about Minra's life there.. She needs our help"- Me

" ouh.. that one.. She will be married soon bro..."- yoongi

" Why is everyone knows? Am I the only one who just know?"- Me

" we even have a group chat without you .  Hahahahahah"- Yoongi

" Fuck u!.. Haishhh.. Okay we need plan.. Here's the plans..  We need to go to US earlier from our date we supposed to go.. And we'll sneak out on her marriage day.. We'll kidnap her and keep her safe in my room. No.. I should marry he right away (blackmoon emoji)"- Me

" That's sound good to me.. So what should I do? But wait.. You'll marry her right away? How? Are stealing someone bride.. That's sin"- Yoongi

" Of course.. I need to find near by church then . You'll be my Holy Father and others will be my audience. Lol"- Me

" Is that one of your plans? 😑"- Yoongi

" yeahhh.. That's not a sin.. Minra is my future bride.. They're stealing her from me.. " - Me

" Hell yeahh.."- Yoongi

" but there's a problem.. I need you to convince Bang Pd-nim about this.. I mean.. To go there earlier.."- Me

" you should ask Joonie thought."- Yoongi

" He's so busy.. So I need you both.. Then we'll proceed to our next plans"- Me

" Okay.. I'll make sure this going to be happen"-Yoongi

" Nice.. I promise I'll find u a girl . . "- Me

"😑"- Yoongi

>> end conversation<<<

-- Minra Pov--

The wedding day.

If only I have wings to fly.. I'll fly and leaving from this damnly stupid freaking hell.

They put a slight makeup on my face.. To make my face beauty on my marriage day..No.. I don't like this stupid arrange marriage. 
The dress was beautiful but meaningless for me. I wanted to escape but I couldn't.

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