Part 6 ( the beauty and the beast/stage)

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*me or him?* (part 6  the beauty and the beast/stage)

Today is the day. Our comeback stage. Minra would come too. She may went to the dresser room before our concert start or maybe not.  I texted her before I got change our outfit.

' Where are u  babe?'- Me

minutes later. .

' On my way there.. I just finished my sudden lab.'- Minra

'Again lab? '- Me

' Yeah.. you need to know your b**ch is majoring in science'- Minra

' Yeah i know.. That's why we are good combination of chemistry. Arts and sciences"- Me

' yeah right.. Meet you there laterr.. love you 💞'- Minra

I just smile on her texts. The makeup noona already preparing their stuffs. Looks like I'll have to do that touch up.  I just wish Minra is my assistant or maybe my manager. But I must respect her dream because she do respect mine.

I was about to close my eyes as the makeup need to be done.

" Hyung, will Minra come today?"- Jungkook

😑 Seriously?

" Yeah, thanks to you" - Me

He seems so happy to hear that.

" Triangle love"- Suga

" Stop with your triangle love"- jin

" What?" - Suga

Jin rolled his eyes. Lol

" So, hyung you owe me that because I gave her the ticket"- Jungkook ( to me)

" Hah? What do you want?"- Me

Jungkook pointed his camera to me. He likes to record something as his hobby.

" Lend me her for one day"- Jungkook

I widen my eyes and looked at him. Is he serious? I mean he wanted me to lend Minra just one day?  I mean... anything can happen .. No.. Noo..

" See, I told you triangle love"- Suga

" You need to control your swag hyung"- Namjoon (to suga)

Suga just make his swag face

" That's not going to be happen" - Me ( To jungkook)

Jungkook laughed.

" I'll ask her then. later"- Jungkook

Me be like 😑.


Okay another few minutes the concert will begin.

>>>> meanwhile minra pov<<

Oh god! They said today was the dinner and what the h*ll I'm still doing my lab.  I don't know who sabotage my experiment that I was asked to re-do it! F**k her or him! 😑😑

I just prepare myself for Hobie's ( Hoseok other name..) concert.  And the lab assistant just called me when I was about to leave.
Then, here Im still working on the spoil experiment. Damn!. Why must today? It was because the mark will be counted by tomorrow morning and that the f**k.  I just wanted to kill someone!

When I was in the lab, my senior Kim Hanbin also there making his final  year project. If I don't have Hobie in my life, I would have a crush on him. (Lol sejak bila hanbin major dalam sains? 😂😂)

Ah.. Just a little bit more..The lab will held at least 2 hours if the lab is easy then 30 minutes is the minimum time to end. I could tell the concert was already start. Hobie called me hours before but I lied because I don't want him to wait for me. He may thought I'm  at the concert right now.

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