My Hot CEO Chapter 20:

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GUYS ELEANOR DOESN'T HAVE A BOY FRIEND! She’s single so relax! You all won’t get it now & technically it’s not cheating so just wait and see. Only saying this because of a few comments and inboxes I received. Sorry if you guys don’t like the story anymore. I guess nobody gets what I’m thinking yet :/


Justin's outfit on the side -->

Wear a bikini! I’m taking you to the beach. -Justin

I smiled at the text message after my shower and walked to my closet. I picked out a white bikini that had gold cuffs on the straps. I left my hair wavy because it would get wet eventually, so there’s no point in doing it up.

I threw on my denim high wasted short shorts and a off the shoulder see through white t-shirt. I put on my white flip flops and smiled at my reflection. I got my beach bag and packed sun screen, lotion, spare clothes, a towel and aero guard. I grabbed my sun glasses and put them on my head before leaving my room and going to the kitchen.

I smiled at Logan and Blake as Logan slept on Blake’s chest. They would be so cute together. I wonder if they like each other.

I shrugged and went to eat strawberries from the fridge. Unfortunately the door stopped me. When I heard the knock my stomach did somersaults. I grinned and practically ran to the door. I don’t know why but I’m excited to see him.

I opened the door and grinned widely at him. "Hi."

He giggled and stepped forward to tilt my head back and lean down to kiss my lips. Yep and the usual tingling feeling returned.

I gave him a toothy grin and he smiled at the sight of my happy state.

“What’s got you all smiley, cutie?" He grinned.

I blushed and hid my forehead in his chest, shyly. “Nothing,” I say, quietly.

He chuckled and fingered my curls. “So cute,” he muttered.

I looked up at him shyly and he gave me this adoring look that sent my butterflies in over drive. “Hi,” I whispered again.

He bit back a smile and stroked my cheek. “Hey, gorgeous.”

“Did you want me to pack food for us?"

“No baby," he smiled. "You ready to go?"

“Yeah, one second.” I smile. I go to walk in but he pulls me back and pecks my lips.

“Sorry," he muttered, shyly. "I just-"

“It’s okay." I giggle.

I run inside and grab my bag and run back to the door. “Ready,” I say breathlessly, with a smile.

He chuckles and intertwines our fingers. “Let’s go, sweetheart.”

I close the door and take deep breaths to calm my nerves. When I’m with him it’s like my body is under his control, it’s so weird.

We walked hand in hand into the lift and stood side by side as we waited to arrive at the ground floor. I looked over at him and smiled at him but when he turned my way I looked down shyly.

He pulled me into his side and chuckled. “Why are you being so shy and adorable?”

“I don’t know,” I mumble.

“Don’t I make you nervous, Ella?" He smirked.

“No,” I shoot my head up to look at him.

“Sure,” he smiled and pecked my lips.

My Hot CEO. ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now