“You didn’t Hailey,” Zayn disagreed with me, rubbing his hand up and down my upper arm, the warmth of his hand, comforting me. I half smiled at him then looked down to my hands, fiddling with them the way I do when I feel nervous. What’s there to be nervous about?

“But I did Zayn? If I didn’t stay off school, if I just went to school, neither of us would be in this mess.” I protested.

“If we didn’t bunk off, if we weren’t in this mess, then we wouldn’t be dating,” Zayn reminded me, causing the butterflies to burst free again. The thought of us dating, its crazy, but I love the thought of it, and knowing its reality makes it even better.

“That’s true,” I agreed, looking back at him, looking back into his eyes, then leaning in and pecking him on the lips. “What are we going to do for the whole week?” I complain, as I rest my head on Zayn's chest, hearing his heart beat softly, and feeling his chest rise and fall.

“Well, we have school work, food, films, shops, we have loads to do,” Zayn shrugged, wrapping his arm around my body and hugging me tightly.

“Can we go for a walk?” I suggest,

“Sure, why not.” Zayn agreed, lifting me up off him, placing me on my feet then joining me. We walked out the shed, through the garden into the house and grabbed our coats. We then walked out the front door, out onto the pavement.

“You know, I am proud of you for today,” Zayn praised, smiling at me and pulling me closer into his body, then intertwining his fingers with mine, squeezing my hand gently.

“For what?” I asked,

“You walked into school, and didn’t take any notice of anyone, even though it hurt you what they were saying.” He replied, still smiling as we turned the corner,

“But it didn’t hurt me, not with you with me.” I smiled, chuckling as Zayn kissed my forehead and squeezed my hand even more. He messed around with in his pocket then frowned.

“Shit, I have forgotten my phone, have you got yours?” I shook my head. “I'll be right back!” he excused him self, as he kissed me on the lips again, then let go of my hand, running back down he pavement where we have walked along, to go back home.

I stepped to the side, leaning up against the rough crumbling brick wall, letting the young blonde girls pass me. They defiantly came from our school, one of them ‘dated’ Zayn a couple months back and they defiantly recognised me. They stopped in their tracks as they passed me, and stood either side of me, one on my left and the other on my right, as I leant up against the brick wall.

“Aww, all left on your own are we? Where’s your little Zaynie?” the girl on my left, caked in orange make up and black eyeliner, crooked at the edges sneered.

“Just went to get his phone, why?”I replied coolly, like they weren’t even bothering me,

“That’s what you think,” the other snapped at me, like her words were knifes.

“See, there he is!” I hollered, smiling at the girls as they turned around to see Zayn running up to us.

“Is there a problem girls?” Zayn snarled, barging pass them and standing next to me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

“Yeah, this little slut,” one roared,

“Coming from the girl caked in orange make up, has black eyes, a two inch skirt on and was fucked at the age of 12.” I chuckled, trying to hold in the laugh I was bursting to let out. Zayn starting wetting himself beside me, at the girls face, her facial features dropped, and her friend starting laughing. “I don’t know what you’re laughing about; you look like twins, so basically you are laughing at yourself, aww cuties.” I snarled at her.

“yeah, she does have a point, you’re both fugly,” Zayn added, trying to contain his laughter.

“whats she then?” one of them sneered, nodding at me.

“The most beautiful girl ever, and if you ever say one bad thing about her, there’s trouble, ok?” Zayn argued, holding me even closer as I blushed at his words. “Come on, before we have a fight on our hands,” Zayn commented, barging pass the two girls who remained gob smacked.

“You are full of surprises you are,” Zayn joked, nudging me as we walked down the street.

“What’s that meant to mean?” I questioned, raising my eyebrow at him,

“The way you have an attitude with them, the way you tell them straight, what were they saying anyway?”

“They asked where you were, then when I said you went to get your phone they said that’s what you think.” I replied.

“What’s that meant to mean?” Zayn asked.

“How am I a meant to know?” I reasoned, looking up at Zayn as he looked straight a head of him, and frowned. “What’s on your mind?” I asked.

“Its just, everyone thinks  I'm the sort of guy, that smokes, gets drunk, has one night stands with girls, things like that, and I'm not.” Zayn pointed out, looking back at me as he said this.

“Well, I know one thing,” I concluded, standing in front of Zayn, stopping him from walking, making him look at me.

“What’s that?” he questioned,

“You haven’t smoked since we have been talking.” I stated, smiling, “and neither have I!” I added.

“That is true,” Zayn grinned, reaching down and kissing me lightly, holding his lips against mine for a moment, then retracting, making my lips feel cold and naked.

“You smell nice,” I complimented him, as we carry on walking, and holding hands,

“Thanks.” Zayn chuckles, shaking his head at my remark,

“What? I was being nice,” I protested, poking him in the chest playfully.

“You are nice,” Zayn smiled.

“Is the Zayn Malik complimenting me?!” I exclaimed, opening my mouth to form an ‘o’ shape, and then winking at him.

“Yes! I always do! Don't make me sound bad!” Zayn protested, now making his mouth form an ‘o’ shape. Then he crossed his arms across his chest and sighed loudly.

“I'm kidding! I'm sorry!” I begged, holding onto Zayn's arm, but he stayed silent. “What can I do to prove it?” I put in after that.

“A kiss?” Zayn suggested, causing me to smile, which then caused him to smile back.

 I stopped in my tracks, and stood back in front of him. Placing my hands either side of his shoulders, I leaned up on my toes and placed my lips on his. The kiss turned passionate as soon as our lips touched, tour lips moving in sync, his hands moving up and down my waist, then settling on my hips. Zayn licked my lower lips, asking for entrance, with out even thinking about it, I allowed entrance, his tongue searching every detail of my mouth, then dancing with my tongue. He pulled me even further into his body, our chest touching, I could it rise and fall as he breathed. The kiss got heated and heated by the moment, becoming even more passionate, and then I pulled away for breath, still in Zayn's arms.

“I accept your apology,” Zayn smirked, leaning down and pecking me lightly on the lips again, then he walked me home, tightly holding my hand and his other hand holding my waist tightly, keeping me close to his body.

Cyberspace (A Zayn Malik Love Story)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now