It's What We Do.

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We were still walking towards our "objective". It seemed like forever even though we've been walking for only ten minutes. We were passing by a clothing store when Harley broke the glass and grabbed a purse startling Flag and the others.

"Seriously? What the hell is wrong with you people?", Flag asked with his gun raised from the sudden noise.

"We're bad guys, sweetheart. It's what we do", I said as I walk past him with Harley by my side.

As we continue to walk, Deadshot and Flag catch up to me.

"Hey, Deadshot, Genocide. I've been thinking. If we don't come together, no ones walking out here alive", Flag says

Deadshot hums and asks, "And?"

"These people respect you two. You gotta influence", he explains

"Was that a compliment I just heard?", I ask with a fake shocked look on my face.

"Don't get used to it, baby", He chuckles

He called me 'baby'. I was just teasing. Wait. Why am I surprised? Shit. Am I falling for him, too? Uh oh.

I'm back bitches!
Hey guys. I know this one is short and all but I wanted to give you guys at least something after I left you guys waiting on me all this time. I was thinking about how I hate waiting for authors to update their stories and I realized I was doing the exact same thing to you guys. So I might do another one this week and I'll definitely finish this summer. That's a promise. But I still have to think about how to end this book. And I will prolly make an anime book when I finish this one. So yeah. Sorry for being such a jerk and making you wait. Byeeee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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