Max had a bow and several arrows with him, similar to Drew. Brendan held onto a staff with a blade at the tip. I have to give that prince credit. He was lucky to inherit such a skill with the staff. It was complex training to learn the staff way back when we chose our specific skill. Brendan advanced in that area and became one of the best.

"We will not have time to properly train today with our weapons, but you are keeping these from now on so you'll have time to fight with them later. Now we move out before we run out of time." Iris called to everyone and held her very own mace. Another scary weapon.

"Wait, you're coming with us?" Ash asked her and she nodded.

"Since there will be no guards, King Cilan asked me to come along but I will not be helping anyone unless it's a major emergency." She informed us and we nodded in response.

"Let's go!" Amethyst exclaimed enthusiastically and punched the air with her fist.

"I don't know if you should be that excited about this." Max said and shook his head at his friend's childish ways.

Throughout this whole situation, one thought was constantly lingering on my mind. What would happen if 'those girls' were still in the town? Especially Dawn. If she was there, in this danger, I would hate to know what might happen to her.

As though sensing my urgency, Drew nudged everyone to hurry along as we followed Iris. Before we knew it, we had reached the front gates. The town which was usually lively and bustling with people, seemed to have no inhabitants whatsoever. It was almost painfully silent. Doors had been left open in some houses showing that many had rushed out of their houses in the evacuation.

"I don't see any signs of an attack." Brendan stated and Iris glanced around the sight in front of her.

"I doubt they've reached this side of town. All the townspeople ran this way to evacuate anyway." Iris explained as she examined the area. "They're likely in the centre of the town."

We nodded and followed her directly to the centre of the town. We held our weapons high and tightened them in our clutches in case an enemy soldier appeared from anywhere. As we walked quietly through the town, we could distinctly make our a few voices. Cautiously hiding behind a building wall, we spied on the source of those voices.

"I think that was the last of them." A feminine voice spoke up and another one pitched in.

"I doubt it. Why would there be so little of them?" The other questioned, followed by silence.

"Could they be talking about the townspeople?" Kenny whispered and Iris shrugged.

"It's possible. We have to be careful so we will ambush them. This is risky because we don't know how many there are. Drew and Max, head up to the rooftop and hold out you bows. Aim at them but do not shoot. We are going to threaten them only. Brendan, go through the back of this alley with Kenny and take your position between the buildings next door. Gary and Ash you go to the other side of this road, carefully so you are not spotted. Paul and Amethyst, you're with me." Iris instructed and everyone instantly listened.

Amethyst, Iris and I crept to the edge of the alley, out of sight. We peered past the wall to see the enemy. It was hard to see as there was smoke erupting from a building and dust flew everywhere.

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