Chapter 6

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May's POV

I heard everything happen and saw everything. But I'm sure I was the only one that actually saw the murder. I had gone through the vegetable section of the market and to the fruits but I watched as a hooded figure murdered the guard right in front of my eyes.

I saw in horror as the arrow pierced the guard's heart and the snap of bone as he fell hard on the ground. Whoever did this wasn't too professional since they left some footprints behind. I eyed the piece of paper in the guard's hands and left it there for someone else to pick up.

I ran off into the forest after the guy who killed the guard. I felt fury surge through me as I followed him swiftly. I had a knife in my hand which I carried everywhere for self defence.

My eyes shone in determination as I sped after the man at full speed. I tackled him on the ground harshly making him roll over. I held the knife on his neck and snarled at him with hatred.

"Why did you murder him?" I spat in disgust.

He chuckled as if I were a complete joke causing me to glare at him.

"It was a warning honey. Now I suggest you let go of me before I get your pretty face bashed up." He smirked.

I glared at him and punched his face, withdrawing the knife.

"Little girl with such big punches." He grinned weirdly.

I pulled him up by the collar of his shirt and shoved him into a tree. He attempted to punch back only to have me duck, completely avoiding the attack. It was my turn to smirk. I kicked him in the face swiftly and he flinched while I had time to kick under his legs and sweep him off the floor.

"Now who's face is bashed up?" I questioned triumphantly.

He groaned on the ground then glared at me. His nose was bleeding continuously while he held his leg from the kick I had delivered earlier. He threw a punch but realised too late that he was too weak to fight and ended up punching air.

"Huh?" He gasped dumbfounded.

"Look up douchebag!" I called to the murderer from on top of a tree.

He gazed at me in surprise as I had been standing in front of him only moments ago.

"Tree branch time." I smirked evilly.

I picked up a loose tree branch and examined it before nodding to myself in approval. Before the guy had time to react, he got smacked in the head by the falling tree branch I threw at his face. He took a step back and circled before falling flat on his back with a thud.

I grinned at myself in satisfaction.

"Another win for May!" I cheered before dropping out of the tree gracefully.

I approached his unconscious body cautiously just in case he was pretending. I poked his face and realised he was truly passed out. Something on his jacket caught my attention. It was a symbol of some sort. One with a Dark Lily Flower on it. I tried recalling something like this and thought for a long time.

Dark Lily, dark lily, dark lily, dark lily.........

Then it all clicked. They were a kingdom that was very far away from the kingdom of stars. The Kingdom of the Lily Flower was what they were known as. Their symbol was this specific Dark Lily. They hadn't been heard of since the end of the Great War.

I took away the mans knife and any other weapon he owned including a royal broadsword which was a prized possession. Since I was familiar with this specific area of the forest, I strode off until I reached the little stream nearby.

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