Chapter 16

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Ash's POV (it's been a while...I think)

The sky overhead didn't have its usual bright colours. The blue that stained the skies was a dull colour and the clouds had darkened. The brilliant glow of the sun didn't cast its light down below. It only spread shadows. Smoke spread through the air like a plague and buildings were destroyed as if they had gone through a major earthquake.

Tonnes of blood had been shed. The stench of death flooded the place in the once peaceful town of the Kingdom of Stars. Soldiers lay gasping for their final breaths and the townspeople never made it through the forest in time. They had been slaughtered in place with no chance of escape or defence. The horrifying sight of the Kings and Queen lay implanted in my mind.

My mother lying motionless on the ground, her lifeless eyes gazing at the sky without their usual glint of brightness. An empty shell that lay dead on the battlefield while I was still standing tall with the blood of my enemies fresh on my mind.

Twelve of us stood side by side with unfamiliar bodies lying beneath our feet in a mess of blood. Our eyes glistening in the sunlight. But not of happiness or rejoice. We shared no victory. Our eyes were shining with tears that sparkled in the dull daylight. Our great losses weighing heavily on our shoulders. There were no smiles, no cheers. If this was a victory, I'd hate to see defeat.

All I knew was that the victory never really lasted long either as the next round was to begin. It was obvious that we were no where near the end. The fight had only begun...

As I trudged forward through masses of bodies with an unfamiliar feeling deep within me, I was suddenly startled by a shrill scream.

Sweat dripped down my forehead profusely as I sat up with wide eyes gasping for air out of panic. I looked around the room rapidly for any evidence of what had just happened. There was no more blood anywhere or thousands of bodies lying lifelessly across the place in all directions. I released a strained breath of relief as I realised everything had just been part of my strange dream.

My bed was drenched with sweat and the sour stench filled my nose immediately as I crawled out from underneath my sheets. I sat in deep thought as I felt unusual. It was unlike me to get such odd dreams like that. The images of my dream were left engraved deep in my mind as I wiped my forehead clear of sweat with a towel.

It had felt so vivid, so real...

Before I could do anything else, a scream interrupted my movements causing me to freeze in place. The scream was the same one that woke me up from my dream earlier. I gasped before quickly hurrying to get dressed then rushing out of my room to the dining hall where I could talk to someone about this situation.

I barged through the doors and flinched slightly as they banged into the walls violently before I darted my gaze around the room frantically to find only Gary standing there with an empty plate in his hands. He stared at me in confusion and looked as though he had frozen in place as soon as I had come in the room. I sighed out a breath of relief before speaking.

"Gary! Thank Arceus you're here already. I have something that I have to talk about with-" But he cut me off by dragging me roughly by the collar and onto my usual seat where there was delicious spaghetti waiting for me which distracted me from the situation entirely.

If anything were to stop me, that would be food.

"Quit the shouting. I don't want you to wake up everyone in the castle." Gary groaned before digging into his own food. "Imagine the Kings and Queen if you woke them up at this time of the morning."

We ate in silence aside from the loud sound of my chewing. After a while of stuffing my face, I grabbed my fifth serving of pasta before stopping halfway through my chewing as I realised why I wanted to talk to someone.

A Royal Fantasy (A Pokemon fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ