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"Kill me..." I groaned, slumped over my desk, pen in hand, not wanting to read anther document with the text so small I have to get a magnifying lens just to read the text. With the assistance of Colonel Mustang's team and I, we have managed to get through most of the paperwork stuff of Ishval in just in a few years.

Who knew that it took so much documentation and signing just to rebuild a country? It wasn't all locking yourself in an office all day to sign paperwork and read official documents and writing bills to repeal all the restrictions placed on Ishval. There was also going to the Ishvalans and presenting ourselves to them and telling them our plans to help them restore their homes. Of course, at first they didn't trust us but as the time went on and seeing our progress made to start rebuilding the entire country, they began to trust us one by one and soon we made them on our side.

I weakly sipped my coffee as I stared out the window. Edward and I managed to work out our relationship with keeping in touch with letters, or lack of, on my part) and I only had the chance to visit him on holidays. The Colonel is really hard on his subordinates.

Colonel Mustang and Lieutenant Hawkeye entered the office as I sat up immediately."I wasn't slacking off--" I cried.

"I wasn't going to talk about your work ethic," Colonel laughed."Do you know what today is?'

"Uh...Tuesday, March 6?" I answered.

"Come on, think harder," Colonel sighed. "I didn't work you that hard that you'd forget, right?"

March 6...March 6... I pondered. What's Colonel's point? The more I thought, through my haze of overwork, I managed to remember why this day was so significant. "Oh," I deadpanned. "It's my birthday."

"And how old are you?"


"Don't sound so doubtful! You are 18!"

Colonel hugged me, which was totally out of character. I almost wanted to shove him off because the friendly gesture shocked me. "Okay, what's the catch?" I asked. "Why are you making a big deal out of this?"

"You're 18..." Lieutenant Hawkeye started. "You're finally an adult. The Colonel has a surprise for you."

Colonel handed me a folded piece of paper with a seal on it. I groaned, "Is it another document I have to go through?" I sighed. "I knew it...at least it wasn't as bad as that cup of coffee you gave me last year..."

"Come on, read it!" Colonel rolled his eyes.

I peeled the seal off and unfolded the paperwork, reading what it said. My eyes widened as I finished the document. As I put it down, I slowly turned to Colonel Mustang and Lieutenant Hawkeye. "This...is serious, right?" I breathed. "I'm...getting released from the military?"

"After some talk with Führer Grumman, he agreed to sign this, although he was sad to see you go," Colonel nodded. "From March 6 and onward, Major Evelyn Joyce, the Clockwork Alchemist, has officially resigned her status in the military and State Alchemist title. You are free to leave."

"This...is your gift to me?" I asked.  "B-But...I want to help you with your dream to become Führer! We've been over this!"

"Too bad," Colonel smirked. "I'm not giving you a choice." He placed a hand on my shoulder. "Look, Evelyn," He told me. "You've done enough. You helped me as much as my Lieutenant has from all these years serving in the military. Your life belongs somewhere else, not in the military. I didn't make that promise to your mother to protect you so you can spend the rest of your life helping me sign documents, did I?"

I was drunk on the sincerity of this action that I hugged Colonel. "Thank you Colonel Mustang!" I cried.

"You don't need to call me that anymore..." He chuckled.

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