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Hello my dear readers! From this point on, there are 10 chapters left for this story! We're almost there! Thanks for sticking by me and my inconsistent updates, I really appreciate it! Love you all!
"It would appear that you have some more new friends," Colonel Mustang stated. The white mannequins kept on coming if as if nothing had happened. "Ah, this place brings back so many memories," Colonel smirked. "It's the place where I saw your tears of truth, Lieutenant. To be honest, I would like to see them again."

"I hate to break down and cry again," Lieutenant Hawkeye rolled her eyes. "Water makes you useless."

"Hey!" I shouted, roundhouse kicking a couple of the mannequins. "Stop flirting and fight!"

"Don't to give me orders!" Colonel yelled, flushed slightly pink.

"Actually, I would agree," Lieutenant Hawkeye said, aiming her gun at one of the mannequins, preparing to shoot.

"Don't use your gun!" Edward warned. "Bullets do no harm on these guys!"

"Ugh, now I'm useless?" Lieutenant Hawkeye groaned.

"What are these, Homunculi?" Colonel asked.

"No," Edward replied. "They're not regenerating their wounds.They're powered by Philosopher's Stone"

The two watched us as we continued to fight off the monsters. Colonel snapped his fingers. A spark flew and he sent a wave of flames at all mannequins, circling around us. They screamed in pain as they burned away into dust. Edward stared in shock at the remains of what Colonel had done. "They are the enemy, Fullmetal," Colonel reminded.

Some pipes some above broke and out fell May and her panda. "May!" Jelso cried. "Are you alright?" Envy had fallen from the hole as well and landed right in front of the doorway the mannequins came from, coughing at all the dust from the explosion and fall.

"Envy!" Edward gasped.

"You guys..." He coughed as May slid off the giant gate she was holding onto. Despite being dizzy from the fall, she seemed to be just fine. Envy coughed and waved off some of the dust that had flown up from the fall and she ran up to Scar.

"Fool!" Scar shouted. "Why didn't you go back to your home country?"

"But...I mean...I mean..." May began to cry.

"Never mind! Don't cry!"

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Scar!"

"Geez, this is why you humans turn my stomach," Envy sneered as he surveyed what we had done to the mannequins. "I've got to admit, I'm quite impressed of what you done here. The Fullmetal Alchemist, the Clockwork Alchemist, the Flame Alchemist, and not to mention Scar. And those filthy Chimeras who I owe up north are here, with you. Now, which one should I deal with first?"

"You're Envy, right?" Colonel asked. "The Homunculus who can change his shape, as I recall."

"Eh, so you do know," Envy shrugged. "Pleased to meet you, Colonel Mustang. Wait a second." He paused as he glanced at us again and ran the numbers in his head once more. "Are you teaming up with him, Scar? This is one of the State Alchemists who turned Ishval into a hellhole."

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