Taehyung - It sucks...but at least he got to prison, its better than him walking freely right?

Jungkook leaned against the wall looking at taehyung smiling at him and it bothered him.

Jungkook - How can you be so positive about this?!

Taehyung - I have to forgive him Jungkook.

Jungkook - no, how can you forgive him for this?! he said as he practically pointed his finger up and down at Taehyung who swifted it away.

Taehyung - If I don't he will forever control me and besides I can't really do anything about it can I?

Jungkook - Bu...

Taehyung - You should to Jungkook.

(I don't know how a trial works so don't judge that partXD<3)

A week after

Jungkook found himself walking the same route he did the night he met Taehyung, it was chilly and the stars shined brightly just like they did then. He sat down on a bench and took a deep breath when he heard a chuckle, he turned around and met Taehyung sitting beside him.

Taehyung - Hi Kookie.

Jungkook - Kookie?

Taehyung - Can i call you that? I found it cute and it's way easier to say than your real name.

Jungkook - yeah sure.

Taehyung - How is Jimin doing?

Jungkook - He's doing okay, he visits your family regularly and he calls your phone every night and talks to you.

Taehyung - okay tell him to keep doing that.

Jungkook nodded and was now fully turned to Taehyung for the first time saw what a beautiful smile he had.

Taehyung - soooo. I've seen you have been hanging out with that girl more lately, are you two a thing now?;) he teased raising an eyebrow.

Jungkook - ahaha no well... I think I really really like her hyung and I think she likes me too.

Taehyung - Of course she does! Who wouldn't like you!? I mean look at those muscles. he joked and pinched Jungkook's bicep.

Jungkook - OUCH! Hyuuuung, he pouted.

Taehyung laughed but it faded when he saw Jungkook looking down at the ground.

Jungkook - Doesn't this mean you will leave soon?

Taehyung - yeah...he said as he looked down as well.

Jungkook - I don't want you to go Taehyung, you are the first one who didn't avoid me.

Taehyung - I would love to stay but people would actually avoid you if they saw you talk to air.

Jungkook - yeah...i guess...he tried to laugh at his joke but both of them could tell it was fake.

As they sat there the light that Jungkook had been waiting for came and shined down on Taehyung making him look like an angel. It was weird, even though he had been waiting for this moment he somehow didn't want it to happened.

Taehyung - Is this what it looks like? He broke the silence and stood up.

Jungkook - yes it's beautiful.

Taehyung - Kookie I'm scared, I don't know what's on the other side.

Jungkook - I don't either but you don't have to be scared I'm here with you.

Taehyung - Thanks. He said and grabbed Jungkook's hand, holding it tight and not planning on letting go.

They started to walk together but Jungkook suddenly stopped halting Taehyung.

Jungkook - Why now hyung?

Taehyung looked confused at Jungkook.

Jungkook - You could've crossed over after the talk with Jimin, after the talk with your parents or after the court. I helped you with everything but why wait until now?

Taehyung smiled and squeezed Jungkook's hand tight looking into his eyes

Taehyung - I didn't have any unfinished business Jungkookie, You did.

His answer caused more question marks than answers.

Taehyung - You needed me, a friend. That's why I couldn't cross over but now you don't, you have found your peace and I guess I'm about to find mine.

Jungkook smiled weakly before feeling something cold hitting his skin. He looked up and saw Taehyung crying? He gasped but his words betrayed him.

Taehyung - do you believe we reborn after we die? His hand making its way to Jungkook cheek and gently caressed it. Jungkook just shrugged his shoulders.

Taehyung - I do. And in my next life I will make sure to find you. And when I do I will make sure to stay with you for a long time.
Jungkook looked right into Taehyungs eyes and at first he didn't like brown eyes but when he saw Taehyung's he started to love them.


Taehyung - You can see me?

Jungkook looked at the boy whose eyes were more than just a pair of brown eyes.

A couple weeks later Jungkook hadn't stopped thinking about the incident but he surely had gained a lot from it. He was indeed together with the girl and was actually socializing more and more. Learning to embrace his gift.
School wasn't a piece of cake and life was boring and...

Jungkook -HEY...he shouted as somebody knocked him over making him drop his backpack in the process and now laying on the floor until a hand picked it up. He angrily brushed himself of and reached for the backpack when he met a pair of brown eyes.

- Hi Kookie!

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