Chapter 6

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Prosecutor - The defendant is charged with the murder of Kim Taehyung on 17th of October. We believe that the defendant should be charged with murder and sent to prison as well as money for the crashed car.

The defendant - I plead not guilty your honor, it was an accident.

Prosecutor - The 17th of October the defendant and the victim attended the same party at a friends house. The defendant and the victim both drove a car and crashed later in the night.

Defendant - It was an accident I swear!

Prosecutor - Your honor I would like to rise the first witness.

The judge - Go on.

The prosecutor - Park Jimin, You and Taehyung were friends?

Jimin - Yes that's correct sir, we were best friends.

The prosecutor - Did you attend the party that night?

Jimin - No sir I did not.

The prosecutor - Why?

Jimin - I was working that night.

The prosecutor - Did you have contact with Taehyung throughout the evening?

Jimin - Yes I did! He called and told me he had picked up some alcohol on the way there, and then he called me right before he left saying he would come by..but he never did.

The prosecutor - Thank you.

Jimin walked back and sat down beside Jungkook who wrapped an arm around him telling him he did well.

The prosecutor - Your honor I would like to rise the second witness which is the defendant.

Jungkook glanced at the guy as he sat down and for a moment their eyes met.

The prosecutor - You were at the same party as Taehyung right?

The defendant - Yes sir.

The prosecutor - At what time did you leave the party?

The defendant - Around 1:45 am, I think.

The prosecutor - But you are not sure?

The defendant - Um..Im..yeah.

The prosecutor - You don't remember because you were drunk!

The defendant - Okay yes I was a little drunk but so was he.

The prosecutor - Actually your honor the autopsy shows no signs of alcohol in his blood, which proves he wasn't in fact drunk.


"Have you reached a verdict?"

"Yes your honor"

"We the jury in the case of Kim Taehyung find the defendant guilty to murder and drunk driving"

"He will receive 3 years in prison"

Jungkook almost choked on his own saliva, he looked around seeing people looking as shocked as him.

Jungkook - ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! He almost shouted before storming out of the courtroom furiously.

Jungkook went outside feeling the air hitting him and his hands balled into fists, he hit the wall and for the first time knew why his mother used to tell him that the world wasn't fair.

Taehyung - Hey, calm down.


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