5 - Stuck with a new job

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Valeria POV

"I swear, I've never seen someone as stupid and as crazy as you! Why the hell did you refuse?"Kate's ranting rang through my ears as we got out of the restaurant.

"His mom is the owner of this place! There was no way I was going to accept!"I justified myself.

"That's not a reason! Wait- his mom is the owner?! You must be kidding me!"

"She is! And I'm sure he also comes here often and I don't want to meet him all the time while I'm working. Seeing him at school is enough already!"

"Why? You can't concentrate when he's around?"she teased with a smirk.

We were passing by the parking and everything happened so fast that it took me some time to register it all.

Kate pushed me and the pointed heel of my boot hit a car beside me as I tried gaining my balance. The impact of my heel against the car formed a dent on its door. Moreover, my heel was so sharp that it scratched the car, removing the white coat and exposing the grey metal.

I am so much in trouble, right now!

I totally panicked. What should I do? Run away? Stay here? Saying it was not me? The alarm going off added to my panic.

Soon after, some guys came out of the restaurant. There were three of them and the one walking in front had to be, he just had to be Francisco! I recognised one of the two other guys to be Alec while I didn't know the other one who was stuffing his mouth with a burger.

"What the hell?!"Francisco exclaimed on seeing the damage. "You did not have to take out your frustration on my car!"

Oh shit! I take back what I said; I'm not in trouble, I'm totally dead!!

"Hey! I'm talking to you!"Francisco snapped his fingers in front of me, bringing me back to reality from my mental calculations.

So, let's just have a quick look at the pit I'm in. I'm jobless and I damaged an extremely expensive car which I will probably have to pay for repair. Don't even ask me where I'm going to find the money!

"Do you even have an idea how much this car costs? 2.5 million dollars! Now imagine how much it takes for repair!"

"Sorry, it was an accident, I swear!"I apologised, hoping he wouldn't be asking me to give the money for it.

"Come on, it's not like she broke the whole car!"Alec told him.

Francisco sighed as he brought his eyes back to me. "Okay. I wasn't going to ask you to pay for it anyway. But the least you could do is accept the offer of working at my mom's restaurant. Consider it a way of paying me for ruining my car or my way of thanking you for what you're doing for me."

I glanced at him and at Kate. The latter was urging me to accept. "Okay. Fine. I'll do it."

"Cool. Come with me then."he said and walked ahead while we all followed him.

"Hey, I never really got a chance to introduce myself properly. I'm Alec Weelson."Alec said to me as we walked to the restaurant.

"I know."

"And you are?"

"I can't believe you didn't know my name all this time."I stated unbelievably. He sheepishly scratched the back of his head.

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