3 - Stuck with a housemate

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Please, read this chapter again as many changes have been made! I guess you'll anyway have to read the story from the beginning as it's been like forever since I last updated and you might have probably forgotten what happened last time!

Valeria POV

I went back to my apartment after a tiring day only to find Kate laying on the sofa with some snack, in front of the TV, swapping channels.

"May I know what you're doing here? And how did you get in anyway?"I asked, placing my hands on hips in a demanding manner.

"Did you forget that I know you so well? I instantly guessed that you hid your spare key by hanging it on one of that plant's branches, the one that's on the right side of your door."she said in a proud way, as if she had just won an Olympic medal.

I raised an eyebrow at her statement before affirming with certainty, "I'm so sure you did not guess it. I can bet a million dollar."

She stuck out her tongue at me. "It took me thirty minutes to find that damn key-"

"Thirty minutes only?!"I exclaimed, acting as if I was shocked. She rolled her eyes and told me that she was going to live in my apartment as from now. I was so happy about it, not only because she would be sharing the rent with me and I would not have to spend as much money as before, but also because she's my best friend.

"Where were you, by the way?"

"Out."I simply replied, plopping down on the couch beside her.


"Looking for a job."

"How did it go? You got one?"

"Do you think I would've been on this sofa stuffing my mouth with chips if I had got a job?"

"Yes?"she shrugged.

I sighed, shaking my head. "I think I got rejected more times than I rejected boys."I said, putting another handful of chips in my mouth.

"Oh! That must really be a lot of rejection you faced today. The number of guys you rejected is already uncountable!"

"I've never been so tired in my entire life!"

"I would've gladly offered you to join my job but it's already full."

"That's okay. I'll get one eventually."

I finally went to freshen up and noticed that Kate had already settled into the second room of the apartment. She had already set her bed, placed her things on the table - and since I could not see any bags lying around, I assumed that she must've had already unpacked them - and from what I could see, she had also cleaned the room.

Coming back into the living room, I saw that she was still sitting in front of the television. "What are we having for dinner?"I asked. "Cook anything you want."she replied, making a dismissive gesture with her hand.

"Excuse me?!"I said, placing my hands on my hips, "You're going to help too. I'm not preparing everything alone!"

She was not ready to agree and it took me more than an hour to drag her out of the sofa and into the kitchen. For the first time in months, cooking was fun. And I'm not saying this because in the end, we were both covered in flour!

"You know what? Let's have a movie night!"Kate suggested as she entered the living room with her pillow and at least 10 CDs in her arms.

"No, not today. I'm so tired."

"Come on, it's going to be fun!"she insisted and I decided to agree.

We gathered some snacks and drinks and went to sit in front of the TV, trying to choose what movie to watch.

"What do you have?"I asked Kate and she handed me all the CDs to choose from.

"Twilight, 50 first dates, 500 Days of Summer, Titanic, The Notebook."I read out aloud as I went through the tons of CDs she had.

There were a lot of other movies like the Harry Potter series, Percy Jackson series, Beauty and the Beast, the Twilight series, Cinderella and Snow White and the Huntsman. Not to talk about the shows; The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Game of Thrones, Riverdale... she had them all!

This girl was a sort of living Netflix! She had watched almost every movies, had a lot of CDs and could lend you any movie anytime you want!

"Hmm..."I pondered over what movie to watch when my eyes finally landed on one. "You watched this one?"I asked, holding up a CD. I actually wanted to watch something that neither of us had seen before.

"Remember Sunday."she read the title and thought for a while. "No, I don't think so."

We finally settled in front of the TV. The surprising thing is that I didn't fall asleep during the movie. It's almost as if my fatigue vanished.

"We should do this more often!"Kate said after the movie. We had just finished watching and were about to go back to our respective rooms. I nodded and entered my room, wishing her goodnight.

However, I could not really sleep with all that happened these past few days and I was also really worried about not getting a job. I needed that job.

But if I really needed money, maybe I could...
No, Val, don't even think about it! You shouldn't get in contact with them. Not even one of them!

My thoughts kept perturbing be for a while until I decided to go get a drink, hoping it would somehow make me forget everything and allow me to sleep.

I headed to the kitchen but stopped in my tracks when I heard a voice. A whisper. It sounded like it was coming from Kate's room. I opened the door slightly only to find Kate in bed with everything around normal. No robber, no murderer.

I concluded it was only my imagination playing tricks on me, as always.

I opened the fridge and noticed that I really needed to go grocery shopping. I was going to grab some milk since it was one of the things that helped me sleep when I couldn't but decided against it as there was only a little left and we would be having it during breakfast the next day.

I poured myself a glass of water and sipped it slowly, reminiscing the previous days. Damn, my life was just like any other normal teenager just a week ago! But now, here I am as the most popular guy's girlfriend. Why the hell did I even accept?

Because my life was too boring?
Probably not. I was pretty much satisfied and busy enough with what I had to do.

But now, I knew I wouldn't be able to back off. Might as well just do this whole thing the fastest, get over with it and get back to normal!

Let's just go with the flow and see where life takes us!



Eid Mubarak to you all!❤💕🌙

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I know that I'm updating after like forever but I promise that the next chapter is coming up soon!😘
You can go read my other stories in the meantime.💕

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