2 - Stuck with the best Best Friend ever

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Valeria POV

Everyone was staring at us in the canteen and this got me feeling embarrassed, and angry at the same time.

I went to Maths class. On entering, I noticed that there were a lot of students I did not know. A lot of new ones. Some seemed friendly while some looked like I would never be getting along with them.

I settled on an unoccupied seat and table. Taking out my books and notebooks, I waited for the teacher to come. A girl, sitting just in front of me, turned back and asked me, "Are you really dating Francisco?"

It was Rhea, a girl I never really got along with. I did not know what to tell her. He had still not told me why he was doing such a thing but at the same time, it was not like I was supporting him or that I liked him or something of the sort.

Before I could answer, a voice calling my name caught my attention. It was Kate, my best friend. I just rushed to hug her (thankfully avoiding Rhea's question) and started discussing with her.

"I missed you so much!"Kate exclaimed as she handed a gift to me.

"Not more than I did!"I said, taking the gift from her, "aww, thank you so much!"

Kate was my best friend since I moved to New Jersey. She was my first friend here and was always there to support me and I definitely could say that I was lucky to have a best friend like her.

She had been to California during the holidays, to the other side of the country! Of course, she had a lot to tell me about her voyage and stay there.

She was coming to place her bag in the vacant seat next to mine but someone else plopped down in the chair. A wide grin spread on his lips as he greeted, "Oh hi! I'm sitting next to you, babe." Again, a couple of eyes were directed towards us.

As I saw the teacher entering the class, I whispered to Kate, "I'll explain later." She nodded and went to sit next to a guy, that I recognised was Alec, the guy I so miserably rejected.

"How come you're in this Maths class?"I asked Francisco in a low voice. It was an advanced class and Francisco was not someone who did really well in Mathematics, unlike his friend, Alec.

"I just brilliantly passed last year's exams and here I am!"he said as I rolled my eyes. "You better explain why exactly I'm your girlfriend, later on."I whispered. "Yeah, I will."He simply assured me and after that, I did not talk to him.

As I looked some rows ahead, at Kate and Alec's table, I noticed they were getting along pretty well, I think.

"Hey, I never got to know your name."Francisco whispered softly, in a demanding way. "I don't owe you anything."I retorted, looking up from the exercise I was working. "You're done already?"I asked him, my eyes widening. "Yeah, why?"he asked with a smirk. I shook my head, "just asking."

I was pretty surprised how he became so good at Maths. Then he told me that his parents forced him to take tuitions as they believed that Mathematics was something that we need everywhere, everyday and in every job. I agree with them on that.

After I completed, he asked about me again. I did not really know why I did not want to tell him my name. I mean, he would get to know it sooner or later but...

Out of the blue, his hand reached to grab my notebook, closing it. He took it while I desperately tried to get it back, making sure to remain as quiet as possible. I did not want to get on Mr Mackstel's list of bad students on the very first day.

"Valeria Brown!"he whispered, a hint of joy and satisfaction lacing his voice. I sighed in defeat as I put my hand forward for him to hand me back the notebook. "Nice name."He added, giving me back my notebook.

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