"I'm not getting up! Nope. Take me down from here!"

I could hear him shuffle closer to me.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

"Obviously protecting you from falling."

He picked me up like a rag doll and carried me over to a different part of the dragon.

Near it's head.

The king of jerks placed me on its neck and he sat Down right behind me.

"Go away..."

"Do you want to fall and die?"

"No... I hate heights."

"Oh so you do have a fear?"

"Okay so what I told a little lie but still I wasn't expecting Kaminari to turn into a dragon and take me with him!"

"It was fun to watch."

"Ugh you really are the king of jerks!"

"Haha don't you forget it!"

"Why are we even still up here?"

"Because why're going to the annual ball."


"Yes now."

"I can't survive that long up here."

"Then use me."

Heat rose to my cheeks.


"Use me. I'll protect you and you'll feel safer and much less of a hassle to deal with. I couldn't stand sitting here for hours only to hear you complaining and screaming."

"There's no way I'll feel safe up here I'd have to be dead for that to even be a possibility!"


"Wait don't actually kill me! Oh we're so high up! I hate heights. What if I fall and die? This is it. I can't go on—."

"Are you always this dramatic? Also if you keep up like that you'll have a panic attack again."

"Oh what do you know? I bet you've never had a fear to worry about in your life."

"I have four."

"What are they?"

"Like hell I'll tell you."

"That's it anything is better than riding a dragon with you!"

I got up only to trip a bit.

I felt a strong hand grab me from behind.

"You really are clumsy."


"Now come on."

Stranger to the OutsideTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon