Epilogue - I'll Love You Forever

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My pregnancy the second time around was so much easier than my first one and didn't come with any other surprises other than having another set of twins.

Yup twins, yet again.

It still amazes both Theo and I that we managed to get pregnant again with another set of twins. Doctor Reyes, the same one we had when we were first pregnant with Skyler and Colton; monitored me more around this time in case we got a repeat of what had happened when Sky and Colton were both developing in the womb, but amazingly this time we could see both twins and hear both of them too.

The nine months of both boy and girl growing in my womb excited the whole family. Being pregnant once again was an amazing feeling. Reeling in the past memories I had with my first pregnancy except the only difference being was constantly having small hands feeling my womb every minute of the day leading up to the due date.

The delivery, on the other hand, was almost the same euphoric yet painful feeling I had but was worth going through in the end. The boy was born first, his head covered with dark brown hair similar to his fathers was the easiest out of the two to deliver. His twin sister, on the other hand, took a little longer and a little more effort with pushing but soon enough there she was. Her loud wailing cries pierce through the room as doctors scramble to get her cleaned and onto my chest as soon as they possibly can for skin to skin contact. Theo brings our second son laying him next to his twin on my chest, both of them now quietly sleeping as both Theo and I stare at them in awe.

"Congratulations once again Mr and Mrs Taptikilis on your new bundles of joy," Dr Reyes chimes as she scribbles down onto the clipboards in front of my bed, "What will you be naming them?"

When it came to naming them Theo wanted to badly name our son Tobias after finding out we were expecting. Me being me thought the cliche reason of him naming our son after one of the characters the brought us together was why he wanted the name but after telling me that he had always wanted a son named Tobias ever since he was teen made it more special. For the girl, I always loved the name Sienna as a child and funnily enough the name fit her perfectly.

Tobias Carter Taptikilis & Sienna Paige Taptikilis.

Another set of beautiful healthy twin babies lay on my chest for skin to skin contact, sound asleep all cleaned up after their birth. Tears escape the rim of my eyes as I stare at them peacefully sleeping on my chest as time stood still between the three of us while doctors rush around finishing their final checks before leaving. Soon enough the room was back to its peaceful quiet state, both Theo and I staring in awe at the two sleeping bundles on my chest, small coos breaking the silence once in a while.

"They look exactly like Skyler and Colton when they were born." I giggle as the thought crosses my mind. Theo, getting up from his seat next to me, grabbing his phone buzzing with missed calls and messages from family and friends paces around the room as he replies to each one.

"Is it weird that they look exactly like Skyler and Colton when they first arrived," Theo says seconds later as he taps on his phone screen. I pause for a second wondering if I had said those words out loud or my husband managed to magically read my mind and say almost the exact same words I had thought of.


Bringing Tobias and Sienna home was a breeze, with the mandatory stop at Target to get some essential for both me and the babies before heading back. The excitement of introducing them to their older siblings creeps into my mind as I sit with both Tobias and Sienna at the back seat of our Range Rover, imagining when they can finally run and interact with their older siblings. As we turn into our driveway the front door opens and both Skyler and Colton run out to the side of the car, my mother following behind them. Both in awe as my mother opened the car door for them to greet me and their brand new siblings they stare in both shock and adoration.

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