Final A/N

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For the final time on this story,

Aloha Beautiful people!

The story is finally complete.

This story has been with me for 5 years. 

5 years. 

Although, Yes I didn't update it as much as would have wanted to and as often as I initially intended, the main goal at the start was to finish this story before I had jumped onto the next. I guess it was kind of hard finishing this story because you grow attached to the characters (although yes Shai and Theo are real human beings in our world, it was nice creating another world where these events occurred). This story was created because I wanted to prove to myself (at that time) that I could start something and finish it within the span of 5 years and not only was it the first time I wrote a fan fic but also the first time I carried through with something then posting it onto here. 

I started this story around September 2014 not knowing what I was getting myself into but now January 31st 2019 (2:39 am) this story is finally finished. 

Kind of funny how I started writing this back in 2014 when I turned 15 years old and now 2019 I'm ending this story, almost at the age of 20 (lowkey exposing myself now XD.) Many things have happened to me during the span of those 5 years; finding things I liked and disliked about how I wrote this story many parts written but then deleted or kept aside for another time. I grew up from being a young teen to (almost) a young adult graduating high school and started college last year. But I also have gone through different fandoms leaving the Sheo/Diveregent one behind for a few other ones during those five years, but somehow coming back to writing this story felt bittersweet and brought a lot of memories along with it. 

I really enjoyed and loved writing this story and would love to continue writing more for all of you out there reading this, but for now this will be the end for Shai and Theo's story. So from the bottom of my heart I would like to thank you. Yes YOU, for reading this story and enjoying it. Thank You for growing with the Kids and going through the ups and downs in their lives. 

I hope you all have a good life, good day or good night and I'll see you guys soon; whether through my other stories or around Wattpad.

- Callie :) 

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