Chapter 5

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The dinner was really nice.
We talked, joked...i forgot about everything for a while.
It was...relaxing.
And Marilyn's so kind to me...he just acts normal around me.
"The steak was really good." i compliment.
"Mine was good too. Now we can go to park, if you want." Marilyn suggests.
"Sounds nice." the corners of my mouth curve into a smile.
He grabs the backrest handle on my wheelchair and we exit the restaurant.

But then a sharp light dazzles me.
Fuck, paparazzi.
I cover my face with my palms, because the light really hurts.
"Marilyn, is it your new girlfriend? What can you tell us about her?" asks one of the paparazzis.
"Marilyn, who's this?" asks the other one.
"Please, would you leave us alone? Thanks." Marilyn says a bit angry and annoyed.
They take a few last photos and then they leave.

"I'm sorry for this." he says.
"No, don't be. It's fine." i say with fake smile.
"Okay. Please, don't let them ruin our night. Douchebags!" he calls after them and i giggle.
"Have you seen that woman? I bet she has a penis." he says and my giggle turns into laugh.

Marilyn pushes my wheelchair and we both talk while he's walking across the huge park.
"It's already midnight. I think we should go back." i say.
"Yeah, you're right. But i have to give you something first." he stops and kneels in front of me.
"I wanna give you this." he says as he pulls out a red box from his pocket.
"Oh my god..." i say as i see him opening the box.
It's a silver bracelet. It's an angel's wing. Oh my god...and it has 'From the black haired guy' written on it's back.

"I-i don't know what to say..." i say, grasping the bracelet in my hands tightly.
"Let me say something. Everytime you feel down, look at this bracelet. Imagine you, flying in the air like an angel, walking, having wind in your hair while riding an expencive car...Remember you're a very strong, intelligent and unique woman. I'll always see you that way, Emily." he says and wipes away the lonely tear falling from my eye.

Marilyn gave me hope, future...
But he was my downfall at the same time...

I don't wanna be another bullet hole
In the exit sign on your road
I don't wanna be another bullet hole
In the exit sign on your road

Saturnalia (Marilyn Manson short story) ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt