54. Valentini Lopez

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" Well, we can't have that now can we?" I said as I already knew about most of it, except for the fact that it was Sarah who brought the woman Mary here in the first place.

"If Felix hasn't told you by know, you should know I have dealings in the mafia as the attorney and I can not be seen as week by not being able to protect my goddaughter. Just before coming here I had told Lily everything because of Felix here" I said giving a quick nod in his direction before looking back at Jack" said that I was a dangerous man and she'd have to ask me why. With that being said Lily has told me everything about being kidnapped and as a result her boyfriend Damien was left behind and in jail. I have made some calls and did what I could for Damien, but I'm not sure if your going to like it or not?" I said as I leaned back in the chair sighing.

The quiet man Beast finally spoke after a few moments of silence" What is it exactly we may like or not?"

Looking over to get a good look at him I realized he's the brother of Zest and the one that Lily said saved her.

" Well, as I told Lily, when the police pulled up they could hear shooting, and since Damien and Thomas were at the scene and neither are talking, they both could get up to 5 years in prison for holding information, trespassing, unregistered guns and bullet holes were everywhere. Now, I told Lily I could get him a 3 year sentence but... I didn't tell her how" I said letting them all process that information first.

" Damn it!" Shit!" fucking hell! " I heard coming out of their mouths.

" How is it that Damien could get a 3 year sentence?" Beast asked

"By proving he's man enough for Lily. Before you yell or say anything, let me explain everything first! After Lily told me everything about getting kidnapped by Thomas and his father. I've convinced her to leave from here and go on vacation and not come back until Thomas and his father are takin care of. Because things could become worse if they find out about Lily's wealth, they could become more desperate. With your club and Felix's men not able to stop them from getting her the first time. I have a different approach. I'm not going to ask anything from the mafia in less it's a last resort, because they would want something in return. So, if Damien accepts I can get him into underground fighting in the prison. He would get a 3 year sentence for participating and money on the side. The downside is that Thomas would get the same thing so everything is hushed. That should give Damien enough time to find a way to finish Thomas off. While your club goes after Viper, Felix could help with the security. Does that sound like a plan?" I asked

" Yes, but why is Lily leaving so easily, doesn't she care about Jack and have a shop to run?" Beast asked.

" I told Lily to write letters to explain everything, and yes she does care for Jack, it's just that well... Don't say anything to Damien because that's for her to do, Lily is carrying his child."

" What!?" Jack and Beast said shocked.

" She didn't say anything until she woke up from passing out after I said Damien could get a 5 year sentence."

"Beast! I'm going to be a grandfather!" Jack said standing up.

" Congrats man!" Beast said standing up as well to give him a hug.

Looking at the time on my watch I knew I needed to leave soon, but I couldn't help but ask " How is it that you found Lily, when she was kidnapped?"

" Damien, interrogated the man that helped kidnap Lily" Felix said.

" Is he still alive?" I asked.

" Yes, we still need to see if we can get more info out of him" Jack said.


" Mind if I see what I can get out of him before I go?" I asked as I stood up from my seat.

" Sure!" Jack said walking over to the door.

Once we were behind the club we were in front of a huge building when Jack knocked twice.

" Hey Jack" said a young man opening the door for him.

" Hey Jason, how's our guest doing?" Jack asked as he Felix, Beast and I walked in with my guards following behind.

" The same way Damien left him" the young man Jason said as he closed the door.

Looking around there was a bruised and bloody man sitting on the floor in the corner.

Beast walked over to the man kicking him his injured looking knee.

"AHH... FUCK! THAT HURTS!!" The man woke screaming.

" You got a visitor" Beast said to him while he was still in pain.

Walking over next to Beast I kneeled down in front of the man " What made you want to take Lily" I try asking nicely.

" Fuck you, I ain't talking no more!" He said with a pained voice.

" Ohh! Okay then, if that's what you want, I'll just have my man over there" I said pointing my thumb at Kyle." To make it permanent by cutting out your tongue. It's your choice"

He must've thought I was bluffing until Kyle walked over pulling a blade from his pocket.

" I already told Damien" he said panting" That Viper said Sabrina and I could become a member of their club if we showed him our loyalty, by helping him get Lily. Sabrina also wanted to get revenge because Lily beat up her sister"

" How was it that you were able to get ahold of Viper and Thomas?" I asked

" Sabrina's sister was fuck buddy's with Thomas every now and then and had his number" the man said

" Do you know who this Sabrina and sister are?" I stood up and asked looking over at Jack.

" Yeah, Sabrina was working as a bartender in my club and I let her sister and friends hang out as entertainment for the guys. They said something to Lily one day in front of her tattoo shop and then the next thing I know, Lily had kicked their asses, and by the time I got there! They were out cold on the ground, I hadn't let them back to the club since." Jack explained

Looking over to Felix " There is your first lead Felix, find those girls and get info from them! And make sure you have them finished off. Don't let me down!" I said as I gave a quick nod to Kyle to finish the man off in the corner.

A Bang!! Was heard and everyone in the room looked over at the man on the floor with a bullet to the head.

Walking over to the door before stopping to look back at Jack" Damien can have one visitor before trial Jack. Talk to him and let him know if he accepts, there is no going back. Things will change for him! " I say as I took a look around the huge building that looked to be an old boxing gym " You should fix this place up. It could bring you some good money and business" I said turning to look at Felix " Call me for updates" I said as my men followed me out the door.


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