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"So where is she?" Trev rushes up to Colson. "You said she'd be here days ago." Trev sits next to Kells, who's just waking up.

"Yeah and for our one month with you guys, you gave us expensive alcohol. Which I can't have." I huff, doing online shopping for baby clothes. Trev and i are probably going to take Casie shopping but I wasn't comfortable enough to leave at the moment.

"I enjoyed it but you have to do this for Aaron." She pleaded.

"I told you she'd be here two days ago, two days ago. Dub and Slim are dropping her off soon." Colson rubs the sleep out of his eyes.

"Yes!" Trev whispered ecstatically.

"Well fucking finally." I let out a deep breath.

"What're you doing up so early, A? You're pregnant I thought you'd sleep in." Kells looked at me confused.

"Just online shopping. Doing some work. Other than that I was too uncomfortable to sleep. Floyd keeps kicking." I shift in my seat, answering his question.

"Oh." He mumbles. "Okay. I'm going to shower before Casie gets here." Colson walks away.

"You're lookin' extra comfy today, Mama. Even if you don't feel it." Trev smiled sitting next to me.

"Thanks." I look down at my outfit, wearing the white sports bra and overalls with my white converse on, my blonde hair in a messy bun. "It was the only thing I could really manage today, everything else was too much. So it's Beetlejuice and Slipknot today, huh?" I laugh.

"Hey, I did my makeup and hair too." Trev laughs. "I'm so excited for Casie to come over."

"Me too." I smile.

"Morning." Rook walks in and sits next to me. "Oh, baby clothes. I thought you were going to go out and look for some?"

"Damn, you're nosey." Trev teases Rook.

"Well, Casie is coming and I don't want to miss her arrival. Also I'm in a little discomfort today." I pat Rook's cheek gently and give him a soft kiss.

"Alright." He smiles, the smile fading as soon as Colson walked in the room.

"How long is she staying?" Trev jumps in his face.

"Uhm." Kells chuckles trying to dry his hair with his towel. "A week. Can you help me do my hair?" He smiles, watching how excited Trevor is.

"Oh yes." Trev clasps her hands together.

"Down girl." I giggle.

"Sit down." Trev demands Kelly, him listening as she drys his hair completely with his towel. Starting massaging her hands through his hair, AJ and Jay walk in.

"What is going on here?" Jay laughs softly, watching the scene.

"I'm doing his hair." Trev smiles.

"I wasn't going to say anything but don't you need product for it to stay put?" Colson inquires.

"You're not doing his hair, you're sexually running your hands through it." AJ points out.

"No, I'm not." She looks at him and mouths 'Shut up!'

"Trevor, I know you carry mousse and hairspray in your bag. Use it." I look back to see Trev glaring at me.

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