Chapter 49

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~time skip~

Your done grabbing the "shit" Jacob was talking about.
Now your just walking in town and you hear a bunch of laughter across the street from the side your on.
You look over.
There they were.
Your friends.
But there's one new girl.
She's holding hands with Finn.
You recognize her from school.
You see Tere and Noah holding hands.
"What's that all about?" Is all you thought.
You keep looking at your friends.
You see Kylie and Gaten holding hands.
You see everyone.
Everyone but Lily, Wyatt and Jack.
You notice that they are coming towards you.
You start to run.
"Y/N! Wait!" Is all you hear. Your vision gets blurry, your crying. You haven't cried in 4 months.
You ran back home with your sunglasses covering your teared up eyes.
Jacob thought you crying was a "turn on". Oh was he disgusting.
You gave Jacob the stuff and you ran up to your room and locked the door.
You've done that a lot recently.
Lock yourselves in your room.
Just like you locked up your tears for 4 months.
You took off your hood revealing your now black short hair.
You also took off your sunglasses revealing your bright blue eyes.
Yes Jacob made you cut your hair, dye your hair black, and made you put in eye contacts that change your eye colour, just to change what you look like (Swipe to see your new hairstyle and new eyes, you don't actually look like her tho).
(Jacob): Elizabeth!
You wiped your tears and fixed up your makeup.
(You): be right there!
You ran down the stairs. To see Jacob in his usual spot. The recliner.
(Jacob): Elizabeth I have some news
(You): what is it?
(Jacob): he's gone
(You): who's gone?
(Jacob): dad. He's finally gone.
You were shocked, but you got so used to Jacob's stupid things that he's been doing.
(You): oh
(Jacob): ughhh, he's hungry, I'm going to feed him
(You): ok
(Jacob): but just remember Elizabeth, this is a new chapter of your life

A/N: word count: 347 words

So I'm ending this fanfic here. But before you go @ me, I'm going to make a sequel. Thanks for reading it though, I really appreciate that you read 49 chapters of my fan fiction!

Some Days {COMPLETED}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora